Fourth grade oral simple operation with answers, urgent!

Fourth grade oral simple operation with answers, urgent!

Only 100 channels 1.45 + 15 × 6 = 135 2.250 △ 5 × 8 = 400 3.6 × 5 △ 2 × 4 = 60 4.30 × 3 + 8 = 98 5.400 △ 4 + 20 × 5 = 200 6.10 + 12 △ 3 + 20 = 34 7. (80 △ 20 + 80) △ 4 = 21 8.70 + (100-10 × 5) = 120 9.360 △ 40 = 9 10.40 × 20 = 800 11.80-25 = 55 12.70 + 45 = 1

It is necessary to have a simple calculation method for the oral calculation and off form calculation in the fourth volume of pep,

Fourth grade volume 2 oral arithmetic problem multiplication
15×3= 15×30= 150×3= 150×30= 15×300= 3×150=
25×4= 45×20= 50×40= 250×4= 125×4= 125×8=
21×4= 21×40= 210×4= 60×90= 600×8= 60×50=
43×2= 20×34= 3×230= 12×40= 70×20= 3×900=
60×90= 12×7= 12×70= 120×70= 800×90= 40×200=
35×20= 25×20= 500×30= 18×5= 25×4= 350×20=
14×5= 140×50= 28×30= 30×20= 40×40= 140×20=
11×60= 13×30= 130×30= 50×40= 40×200= 50×600=
30×310= 70×8= 410×20= 20×10= 16×100= 200×70=
50×200= 32×30= 13×300= 40×800= 121×4= 60×900=
10×460= 120×3= 20×500= 70×20= 250×4= 120×50=
15×30= 25×30= 250×3= 150×40= 25×300= 30×150=
25×40= 45×200= 70×40= 150×4= 125×8= 125×4=
210×4= 200×40= 310×3= 80×90= 600×7= 600×50=
43×20= 20×35= 3×210= 120×60= 700×20= 30×240=
600×90= 12×8= 120×60= 500×70= 80×100= 90×200=
350×20= 450×20= 500×20= 16×50= 45×4= 350×10=
140×5= 14×30= 26×30= 60×200= 340×20= 180×50=
110×60= 11×300= 230×30= 550×4= 440×20= 50×800=
20×320= 700×8= 450×20= 200×10= 17×100= 500×70=
60×200= 34×30= 19×300= 80×800= 122×4= 70×900=
10×100= 12×300= 50×500= 700×60= 125×8= 160×50=
50×200= 32×30= 13×300= 40×800= 121×4= 60×900=
100×46= 220×3= 60×500= 700×20= 150×4= 220×40=
25×30= 250×30= 250×3= 450×20= 75×20= 30×150=
45×200= 15×600= 700×40= 150×200= 25×8= 25×40=
310×20= 200×50= 110×9= 800×30= 600×7= 600×30=
430×20= 300×25= 3×310= 120×70= 600×70= 80×200=
Fourth grade volume 2: mixed operation
80÷2+100÷5= 45-20×3÷4=
240÷6-2×15= 52-36÷3+20=
320-200÷5×8= 140-20×5+25=
20×30+20×40= 25×(30+10)=
800÷40-400÷40= (840-400)÷4=
600÷(120÷60)= 60÷(10+120÷60)=
(600÷10+10)÷7= (26+14)×70=
260+14×(70-60)= (26+14)×(70-40)=
90÷(30×15÷50)= (35+45)÷(90-10)=
6×10-(21+29)= 25×(22+26×3)=
320-(120+25×4)= 80÷(32+8)×300=
3000-[(32+8)×30]= 30×[169-(60+9)]=
36÷3+6×2= 30÷(3+6×2)=
36÷[(3+6)×2]= 180÷(36÷12)+6=
180÷(36÷12+6)= 180÷[36÷(12+6)]=
450÷15+10×3= 450÷(15+10)×3=
450÷[(15+10)×2]= 240+180÷30×2=
(40+180÷30)×2= (240+180)÷(30×2)=
36+360÷12= 800-800÷80×30=
800-(70×6+180)= 65×(40+20×3)=
The fourth grade volume two oral arithmetic problems -- operation law
52+44+148= 78+125+75=
79+89+121= 25×62×4=
125×7×8= 70×12×5=
32×25= 5×(12×11)=
560÷16= 70×105=
65×5+35×5= 65×5+45×5=
65×50+35×50= 12×70+38×70=
5×121+79×5= 45×6+35×6=
67×5-37×5= 120×90-110×90=
39×8-6×39= 326×78-326×68=
125×(8+4)= 12×(40-5)=
68×48+68×52= 5×27+63×5=
64×9-14×9= 23×134-34×23=
43+43×99= 99×62+62=
48×101-48= 102×45=
648+203= 63×15×2=
44×25= 36×101=
36×102= 45×99=
256×7-56×7= 49×25×8=
79×32+79×68= 67×101-67=
89×99+89 2.63+5.8+7.37+4.2 52×15-5×52 55×102
2.58-1.6+3.42 125×64 45×25+75×45 23.5-2.8-7.2
58.65-(3.2+8.65) 99×125×8 3200÷25÷4 250÷8×4
80+(146-46×3) 48-(5.2+2.03×10) 32×15+(32.6+8.09)

Simple oral arithmetic in grade four of primary school
It's in the fourth grade

39×4= 51×9= 77×7= 874×3= 304×5= 106×10= 178×3= 78×9= 163×3= 724×7=78×9= 24×5= 37×8= 104×5= 847×4=8×42= 78×2= 245×0= 306×103×0= 132×6=350×1000= 317×4= 302×783×0= 264×8= 937×4...

When Xiao Ming solved the equation 2x-3 / 5 + 1 = x + A / 2, due to carelessness, when the denominator was removed, the left 1 of the equation was not multiplied by 10, so the solution obtained was x = 0. Try to find the value of a, and correctly find the solution of the equation

2(2x - 3) + 1 = 5(x + a)
Substituting x = 0 gives:
2×(-3) + 1 = 5a
5a = -5
a = -1
(2x - 3)/5 + 1 = (x - 1)/2
2(2x - 3) + 10 = 5(x -1)
4x - 6 + 10 = 5x - 5
x = -6 + 10 + 5
x = 9

Nanning is the largest tilapia breeding area in Guangxi, which is listed as the dominant area of tilapia breeding by the Ministry of agriculture. A farm plans to cultivate pollution-free standardized tilapia and grass carp in the second half of the year. The total output g (ton) of these two varieties is required to meet: 1580 ≤ G ≤ 1600, and the total output value is 10 million yuan. The known relevant data are shown in the table Unit price of tilapia (10000 yuan / ton) 0.45 for tilapia and 0.85 for grass carp? (output value = output × unit price)

Assuming that the tilapia production in the second half of the year is x tons, then 1 580 ≤ x + 1000 − 0.45x0.85 ≤ 1 600 can be simplified to 1 343 ≤ 0.85x + 1 000-0.45x ≤ 1 360, that is 343 ≤ 0.4x ≤ 360, and the solution is 857.5 ≤ x ≤ 900. A: the tilapia production in the second half of the year is controlled in the range of 857.5 tons to 900 tons

[write answers and ideas]
The average of 50 numbers is 38. If two numbers 55 and 69 are removed, what is the average of the remaining numbers?
Divide 360 into two numbers. Given the sum of the difference divided by them, the quotient is 60. What are the two numbers
Write a little more clearly. Don't use the 2-element equation in question 2. If you want to use the equation, don't use XY, just use X. I can only solve X. it's said that I'm only a primary school student. If you use XY, you won't accept the answer. Write a little more clearly. Don't divide 360 by (6 + 1) = 360 / 7 like that
360 / 7 and 2520 / 7 I don't know what they mean

1. Let the remaining average be X. (50-2) x = 50 * 38 - (55 + 69) 48x = 1900-12448x = 1776x = 1776 / 48x = 37. A: the remaining average is 37.2.360 / 60 = 6. 6 is the difference between two numbers. Let one number be x, then the other number be (x + 6). X + (x + 6) / 60 = 6 (2x + 6) / 60 = 62x + 6 = 6 * 602x = 360-62x = 354

Four ninths of a number minus 17 equals one third of a number to find a number

This number = 17 ^ (4 / 9-1 / 3) = 153

The current price of Andersen's fairy tales is 1 / 6 lower than the original price. The original price is 4 yuan higher than the current price. How much is the original price

24 yuan
Suppose the original price is X
The equation is: (1-1 / 6) x = x-4
The solution is: 1 / 6 * x = 4
The original price is 24 yuan

What is 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9. + 1000

=(1+1000)+(2+999)+…… +(500+501)
=1001+1001+…… +1001

3 minus (5 / 5 minus 2Y) equals y minus (4 / 10 minus 7Y) plus (2 / 5 plus 2)
