Matlab programming, how to replace all the elements in a matrix with another value? I have a matrix in which some elements have a specific value, such as 1.5. How can I set all elements equal to 1.5 in the matrix to 1? In addition, if the specific value is Nan, can I perform the same operation? PS: don't use two for loops, then compare each element one by one, and then make it equal to 1, which requires less steps and faster calculation

Matlab programming, how to replace all the elements in a matrix with another value? I have a matrix in which some elements have a specific value, such as 1.5. How can I set all elements equal to 1.5 in the matrix to 1? In addition, if the specific value is Nan, can I perform the same operation? PS: don't use two for loops, then compare each element one by one, and then make it equal to 1, which requires less steps and faster calculation

%if you have a matrix A idx=find(A==1.5); % find all 1.5A(idx)=1; % set 1 to these indexes%about NaNidx=find(isnan(A)); % find all NaN valueA(idx)=1; % set 1 to these indexes

How to use matlab to generate a 6 × 6 matrix, each element of the matrix is equal to the sum of the number of rows and columns

A = zeros(6,6);
for n = 1 :6
for m = 1 :6
a(n,m) = n + m;

What's the opposite of warm?

The opposite of warm is cold

Ask a mathematical problem about the sine theorem,
If 1-cosa / 1-cosb = A / B, then the triangle ABC is?

Isosceles right triangle

In English, the past tense, the present tense, the general present tense, the present continuous tense, the past perfect tense, the past continuous tense and the general past tense
How to change the form of the verb? Past participle. How to use the past tense? PS: 80. There are so many scores. I hope the answer you gave me is also worth the number

The principle of pinhole imaging is light______ .

The principle of pinhole imaging is the linear propagation of light

What's the difference between inductor and capacitor?

When the inductance of inductor is determined, the higher the frequency of AC current, the greater the resistance of inductor to AC current; when the frequency is lower, the smaller the resistance, and there is no resistance to DC. On the contrary, when the capacitance is determined, the higher the frequency of AC current, the smaller the resistance of capacitor to AC current; when the frequency is lower, the greater the resistance, For DC equivalent and off

What is the important practical significance of the scientific outlook on development

First, the scientific outlook on development is put forward on the basis of inheriting and developing the important thoughts on development of the three generations of the party's central collective leadership, Development is one of the most basic categories of Marxism. Marx, Engels and Lenin have profoundly discussed the development of human society from philosophy, political economy, scientific socialism and other fields and levels, Since the birth of Marxism, the proletariat's liberation struggle and the continuous advancement of the world socialist movement are basically promoting the development of human society towards a more prosperous, civilized and progressive direction, After the founding of the people's Republic of China, the Chinese Communists represented by Comrade Mao Zedong put forward the goal and strategic vision of building a powerful socialist country, and made great efforts to explore the development path in line with China's national conditions, and put forward many important ideas on development issues, After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese Communists represented by Comrade Deng Xiaoping made a historic decision to shift the party's and state's work center to economic construction and carry out reform and opening up. They established the basic line of the primary stage of socialism and opened up a great road to building socialism with Chinese characteristics, The establishment of Deng Xiaoping theory, the formulation of a three-step development strategy for the basic realization of socialist modernization, the fundamental task of socialism is to liberate and develop the productive forces, development is the absolute principle, the key to solving all China's problems lies in development, and a series of important ideas, such as "two hands, two hands must be hard", have made a great leap in our party's outlook on development, After the Fourth Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee, the Chinese Communists, represented by Comrade Jiang Zemin, founded the important thought of "Three Represents", put forward that development should be the first priority of the party in governing and rejuvenating the country, persist in solving problems in progress by means of development, and correctly handle the relationship between reform, development and stability, We should establish a socialist market economic system, adhere to the combination of rule of law and rule of virtue, implement major strategies such as invigorating the country through science and education, sustainable development, and the development of the western region, continuously promote the construction of socialist material, political, and spiritual civilization, and promote all-round social progress and all-round human development, The scientific outlook on development is put forward on the basis of inheriting and developing the important thoughts on development of the three generations of the party's central collective leadership. It is a scientific theory that goes down in one continuous line with Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents" and keeps pace with the times
Second, the scientific outlook on development is based on the experience of foreign countries. After the end of the Second World War, accelerating economic growth has become the consensus of all countries in the world, and mankind has created an unprecedented miracle of economic growth, Some countries have paid a high development price to solve the problems of excessive consumption of energy and resources and serious deterioration of the ecological environment; some countries, due to the imbalance of economic structure and the lag of social development, The practice of contemporary world development shows that development is not only economic growth, but also comprehensive and coordinated development of economy, politics, culture and society, China, as the largest developing country in the world, is facing the dual pressure of accelerating economic growth and protecting resources and environment in order to accomplish the dual tasks of industrialization and modernization, which determines that we can not repeat the old path of other countries, The scientific outlook on development is put forward on the basis of summing up the experience and lessons of other countries in the world. It conforms to the development trend of today's world and reflects the latest development concept of the contemporary world
Third, the scientific outlook on development is put forward to meet the new development requirements. Entering the new stage of the new century, with the continuous development of industrialization, informatization, urbanization, marketization and internationalization, China's development presents a series of new stage characteristics, In order to meet the new requirements of building a well-off society in an all-round way and speeding up socialist modernization, this paper scientifically analyzes the stage characteristics of China's development at the new historical starting point, and puts forward the major strategic thought of the scientific outlook on development, It further answers such major questions as what kind of development to achieve and how to develop, and reflects our party's latest understanding of the ruling law of the Communist Party, the law of socialist construction, and the law of human social development. Therefore, it has universal guiding significance for the development of the new stage in the new century, In view of the unbalanced development of some fields and aspects in the process of China's development, the scientific outlook on development focuses on the realization of sound and rapid economic and social development. It puts forward new ideas of coordinating urban and rural development, regional development, economic and social development, harmonious development between man and nature, domestic development and opening up, and promoting coordinated development, and points out the correct path of China's economic and social development, Third, starting from the overall layout of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and focusing on building a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized and harmonious modern socialist country, the scientific outlook on development requires us to comprehensively promote economic, political, cultural and social construction, Perfecting the development path, mode and strategy of socialism with Chinese characteristics is of long-term guiding significance for the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Therefore, it is a major strategic thought that must be adhered to and implemented in the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics

My favorite food is apples?

That's right
Food does not add s, so it is singular, and apples here represents a kind

If the height of the cylinder is 5cm and the total surface area is 12cm ^ 2, the bottom radius of the cylinder is__ cm

Let the radius of the bottom surface be r
Bottom area: 3.14 * r * r
Side area: 3.14 * 2R * 5
Make your own equations