Why is n power of matrix (AB) not equal to the product of n power of a and N power of B

Why is n power of matrix (AB) not equal to the product of n power of a and N power of B

You can take a simple two-dimensional matrix, which you have in linear algebra books

How to calculate the product of two matrices? What conditions do two matrices need to meet in order to have a product?

There are two kinds of matrix integral
First, point multiplication. The requirements for matrices are: the rows and columns of two matrices are equal,
For example: a (3,3). B (3,3). C = AB, C (3,3)
The second is matrix multiplication. Requirements: the number of columns of the first is equal to the number of rows of the second,
A(3,4) .B(4,2) .C=AB ,C(3,2)

Given that the maximum value of y = asinx + B is 5 and the minimum value is - 1, then a=________ ,b=_________

Given that the maximum value of y = asinx + B is 5 and the minimum value is - 1, then a=___ 3_____ ,b=__ 2_______
Maximum: a + B = 5
Minimum: - A + B = - 1
The solution is a = 3, B = 2

54073 equals 5 times () plus 4 times () plus 7 times () plus 3 times ()

54073 equals 5 times (10000) plus 4 times (1000) plus 7 times (10) plus 3 times (1)

Draw the triangle and trapezoid with the same area as the known parallelogram in the parallel line, and briefly state the basis of drawing

S[3]=1/2inS[4_ abab]

Fill in the blanks according to the figure shown: line segments a, B, and a > 2B, draw a line segment so that it is equal to a-2b
(1) Draw rays ();
(2) On ray (), intercept () = a
(3) On the line segment (), intercept () = () = B in sequence
Line segment () is the line segment to be drawn
  I---------I   I-----I    
       a         b
A  D   E     C   B

Solution: (1) draw ray (AB);
(2) On the ray (AB), intercept (DB) = a
(3) On the line segment (DB), sequential intercept (CB) = (DE) = B
The line segment (EC) is the line segment to be drawn
Ray is the longest segment, and 2b is the same length of De and CB. Then a-2b.. a contains the segments of De and CB

Monotone decreasing interval of function y = 3 (2-3x ^ 2 power)?


In an isosceles right triangle, draw the largest circle. Given that the area of the triangle is 36, how to find the area of the circle
Wrong number, yes;
In an isosceles right triangle, draw the largest circle. Given that the area of the triangle is 18, how to find the area of the circle?

The largest circle is obviously the inscribed circle,
According to the inscribed circle formula of right triangle, there are
Because the isosceles right triangle a = B, and the triangle area is AB / 2 = 36
So a = b = 6 √ 2, C = 12, then r = 6 √ 2-6
So the area of the circle is π R & # 178; = 3.14 × (6 √ 2-6) &# 178; = 19.37
A: the area of this circle is 19.37
May I help you!

Why is it true that the definition field of quadratic function is r constant

Well, according to his solution, it should be u = (A2-1) x2 + (A-1), f (x) = u under the root
Because of the existence of the root sign, when defining the field F (x), it is necessary to ensure that the number of square root is not negative, that is, u ≥ 0
(note that u ≥ 0, not u > 0, so your "to make u non negative, get u > 0" is wrong, it is to get u ≥ 0,
So when △ = 0, there is an intersection, then u = 0, it is OK.)
To make u ≥ 0, u = (A2-1) x2 + (A-1), that is, u itself is a quadratic function, and to make the range of the quadratic function constant and nonnegative, of course
First of all, the graph opening of quadratic function should be upward,
This requires that the coefficient of quadratic term A2-1 > 0 (the range of quadratic function with opening downward cannot be greater than or equal to 0 forever)
Secondly, on the basis of the opening upward, it is required to have at most one intersection point with the x-axis, so △ ≤ 0, otherwise a segment of the function graph will fall below the x-axis, and it is impossible to be non negative

Let z = f (2x-y) + G (x, XY), where f has the second derivative and G has the second partial derivative