If cN0 + 1 / 2cn1 + 1 / 3cn2 +... + 1 / (n + 1) CNN = 31 / (n + 1), find the term with the largest coefficient in the expansion of (1-2x) 2n. (C is followed by two terms.)

If cN0 + 1 / 2cn1 + 1 / 3cn2 +... + 1 / (n + 1) CNN = 31 / (n + 1), find the term with the largest coefficient in the expansion of (1-2x) 2n. (C is followed by two terms.)

Obviously, you ask for what n is
Then, we can use the formula to get the coefficient of the largest term
I forgot that formula
So it's up to you

What is the cubic power of 53 plus the cubic power of 47?


The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 30 greater than the largest one. What are the three even numbers?
It doesn't have to be a hard equation, OK

Let the middle of three consecutive even numbers be x, then the largest number is x + 2, and the sum of three even numbers is 3x
These three even numbers are 14, 16 and 18

A number is composed of four 10, three 1, three 0.01 and four 0.001, which is ()

A number consists of four 10, three 1, three 0.01 and four 0.001, which is (43.034)

On the map with a scale of 1 / 6000000, the distance between a and B is 10 cm. A and B drive from a and B at the same time and meet in 6 hours
How many kilometers per hour does car B travel?
Distance on the map: 5cm actual distance: 900km scale: ()
Distance on the map: 6.4cm actual distance: () scale: 1:50000
Distance on the map: () actual distance: 360km scale: 1:4000000

On a map with a scale of 1 / 6000000, the distance between a and B is 10 cm. When a and B depart from a and B at the same time, they meet after 6 hours. How many kilometers does a travel per hour and B travel per hour? B speed = 6000000 × 10 ﹣ 100 ﹣ 1000 ﹣ 6-55 = 100-55 = 45 km / h

The gate of a factory is shown in Figure 1, in which the quadrilateral ABCD is a square, the upper part is a semicircle with ab as the diameter, where ad = AB = 2m, and there is one full of goods
The truck is 2.5 meters high and 1.6 meters wide. Can the truck pass through the factory gate? Explain the reason

1.6 △ 2 = 0.8m
2 △ 2 = 1m
√ (1 & # 178; - 0.8 & # 178;) = 0.6m
2 + 0.6 = 2.6m > 2.5m
So I can pass

There are 240 tons of coal in pile a, B and C. the weight ratio of pile a to pile B is 4:3, and pile C is 10 tons more than pile B. how many tons of coal are there in pile a, B and C?

Let a 4x, B 3x, then C 3x + 10
So a 92 tons, B 69 tons, C 79 tons

Mean inequality: how to prove that HN ≤ GN, HN is harmonic mean and GN is geometric mean
I can prove that QN ≥ an ≥ GN. I can't think of the last GN ≥ HN

It is proved that an ≥ GN, HN ≤ GN is exactly the same as him
For the denominator of harmonic mean, the algebraic geometric mean inequality is used, and each reciprocal is regarded as a term
This simple, more difficult point is the proof of algebraic set average
Application of Algebraic Geometric mean to reciprocal sum of harmonic mean

After nine hours of traveling from a to B, the two cars meet each other. Car a runs 20 kilometers less than car B per hour. The speed ratio of car B is 7 to 9. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

Party A and Party B per hour
20 △ 9-7 x (9 + 7) = 20 △ 2x16 = 160 km
160x9 = 1440 km

If the solution set of X-1 > A and X + 1 < 5 is 1 < x < 3, then a =, B =

x>a+1, x