What is LG6 / lg9?

What is LG6 / lg9?


How to calculate lg0.06 + LG1 / 6 = LG6


1. 4, 9, 16 (), (), 49, () ·······························································
2 / 1, 4 / 4, 6 / 9, 8 / 18, (), (), 14 / 49······

2 / 1, 4 / 4, 6 / 9, 8 / 16, (10 / 25), (12 / 36), 14 / 49······

A two - digit prime number, exchange the number of one digit and ten digit, the two - digit is still prime number, write all such two - digit

A two digit prime number is another prime number. The two digits obtained by exchanging the digits on the one and ten digits are 11, 13, 31, 17, 71, 37, 73, 79 and 97

Given the function f (x) * f (x + 3) = 1 and f (1) = 2, find the value of F (100)
The answer is 4, but it's 1 / 2 of the process!!

So f (x) = f (x + 6)

Winter vacation homework for grade two of primary school
Here is an arithmetic problem with matches. Move two matches to make the equation hold, 1-701 = 2
The second grade daughter's winter vacation homework, I didn't know for a long time, raised the reward to 100 points

Turn 7 into a + sign, move it between 0 and 1, and it will become 1-0 + 1 = 2! How smart! Envy me!

Is 0 a natural number?

0 is a natural number
The current nine-year compulsory education textbooks and senior high school textbooks (experimental revised edition) all call the non negative integer set natural number set, denoted as N, while the positive integer set is denoted as N + or n *. This changes the previous statement that 0 is not a natural number, and clearly points out that 0 is also a element of natural number set

(x ^ 2 + MX + 8) (x ^ 2-3x + n) expansion does not contain x ^ 2 and x ^ 3 items, then the value of M + n is ()
A.4 B.-12 C.5 D.-4
Mid term test of Grade 7 Volume 2

Because (x ^ 2 + MX + 8) (x ^ 2-3x + n) does not contain items of x ^ 2 and x ^ 3 after expansion

Find the rule of the fourth question on P29 of mathematics summer homework (PEP)
In the figure below, each rectangle is 2cm long and 1cm wide
(2) If the number of layers is x and the perimeter is YCM, please write the formula for y
(3) If the perimeter of the stacked figure is 126cm, a total of () layers should be stacked

2X*2+2X=126 6X=126 X=21

If a is known to be a non-zero natural number, what is the even number?
