Five Chinese evaluation manual unit exercise 2 question 6

Five Chinese evaluation manual unit exercise 2 question 6

How can I find this? I suggest you ask the teacher or classmates tomorrow, they won't say you. The teacher specially answers our questions ~ I'm also a fifth grade student, don't be shy ~!

Finding the general solution of the equation dy / DX = 1 / (x Λ 2 + y Λ 2)

It's not easy for me to type on my mobile phone. I hope that with understanding and prompt, you can DX / dy = x ^ 2, y ^ 2, and then use constant to change. It's very simple, isn't it

How do four right triangles and a small square form a large square

Look at the picture, do not understand contact

There are four cuboid pillars in an auditorium. Each pillar is 3.5 meters high and the bottom is a square with a side length of 0.4 meters. Now repaint these pillars with paint, if
The square meter uses 0.125 kg of paint, so at least how many kg of paint is needed

Area = 4 × 4 × 0.4 × 3.5 = 22.4 square meters
Paint = 22.4 × 0.125 = 2.8kg

How to use the operation symbol to make five four equal to nine
You can use addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and brackets


Specific problems of differential derivatives (functions of one variable)
For a function f (x), what is the relationship between its derivative f '(x0) at x0 and its differential dy
Are dy / DX and f '(x0) equivalent in functions of one variable
What are the specific meanings of △ y and Dy when x approaches 0? What are the infinitesimals of them
The second chapter of higher mathematics is all kinds of confusion. Differential is so messy, partial differential is even more messy

Dy is delta y, which is a very small change in y
F '(x) is the same as dy / DX, and its value at x0 is f' (x0)


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Two workers worked out a batch of scarves. The original plan was to finish in 6 hours. In fact, each worker processed 2 scarves per hour more than the original plan. As a result, the task was finished in 5 hours. How many scarves are there in this batch?

Set up a worker to make x scarves in one minute
10x2x6 = 120

Given a (a, 3) B (- 3, b), if a and B are symmetric about the x-axis, then the point P (- A, - b) is in the -- quadrant; if a and B are symmetric about the origin, then the coordinates of the point Q (a + B, AB) symmetric about the x-axis are——

A. B is symmetric about X axis
a=-3 b=-3
So p (3,3) is in the first quadrant
A. B is symmetric about the origin
a=3 b=-3
Q point is (0, - 9)

Build a cylindrical pool with a diameter of 20 meters and a depth of 0.6 meters. What's the floor area of the pool? How many cubic meters of soil need to be excavated to build the pool? In this area, how many cubic meters of soil need to be excavated
How long is the fence around the pool? If you stick ceramic tiles on the bottom and wall of the pool, how many square meters of ceramic tiles should you buy at least

Diameter = 20m, radius = 10m
Floor area = 3.14 * 10 * 10 = 314 square meters
The construction of this pool needs excavation: 3.14 * 10 * 10 * 0.6 = 188.4 cubic meters
Fence length: 3.14 * 10 * 2 = 62.8m
At least buy Tiles: 3.14 * 10 * 10 + 3.14 * 10 * 2 * 0.6 = 351.68 square meters