In the triangle ABC, if cosa = 3 / 5 and Tan (B-A) = 1 / 2, then Tanc

In the triangle ABC, if cosa = 3 / 5 and Tan (B-A) = 1 / 2, then Tanc


Where did Jane put the seeds first?

Where did Jane put the seeds first?

The school has built two cylindrical flower beds of the same size. The inner diameter of the bottom of the flower bed is 3 meters, and the height is 0.8 meters. If the height of the filling inside is 0.5 meters, how many square meters of filling are needed in the two flower beds?

3.14 × (3 ÷ 2) 2 × 0.5 × 2 = 7.065 × 1 = 7.065 (cubic meter) = 7.065 (square meter) answer: a total of 7.065 cubic meters should be filled in the two flower beds

Asia adjective Africa adjective Russia adjective early antonym fast antonym quiet antonym

Adjective of Asia adjective of Asian Africa adjective of African Russia antonym of Russian ally antonym of late fast antonym of slowquiet n

In the trapezoidal ABCD, AD / / BC, e is the midpoint of CD and AE = be. It is known that ad = 6 times root number 3, BC = 14 times root number 3, angle BCD = 60 degrees. The area of trapezoidal ABCD is calculated
Using sine and cosine theorem! I will learn this section by simply seeking height and calculating area

The key is to calculate the trapezoidal height
Because AE = be
So DAB = ABC = 90 degrees
Ad = 6 times radical 3, BC = 14 times radical 3
So high = (BC-AD) / Tan 60 degrees = 24
If it is higher, the area will come out. Area = 240 root sign 3

Verb past tense, verb past participle, verb present participle?

The verb past tense,
past form of the verb
Verb past participle,
Past Participle
Be doing
present participle

23 × (99 + 1) = 23 × 99 + 1

Multiplicative distributive law

There are four propositions about the equation x square + PX + q = 0 of X
1. If the equation has real roots, then p-square-4q ≥ 0
2. If Z is an imaginary root of the equation, then the conjugate complex of Z is another root of the equation
3. If the equation has two real roots, then p and Q are not imaginary numbers
4. If P and Q are imaginary numbers, then both of the equations are imaginary roots
What's wrong with 1,2,4 Tat

I think that when the quadratic equation with real coefficients has real roots, there is a discriminant > = 0
If the coefficient is imaginary, it may not be true,
So if P and Q are imaginary numbers, we can't use discriminant to determine whether there are real roots
2 and 4 are the same
For reference

How to coordinate the relationship between environmental problems and social and economic development when dealing with environmental problems? In terms of urban development, how to ensure the comprehensive consideration when planning in the context of population growth

First of all, we agree with the statement on the first floor. Over the years, our country has not yet jumped out of the old western development path of "pollution first, then treatment". Environmental protection and economic development are still a pair of main contradictions. We used to think about "one step in place", skipping this stage and taking a new way of development without pollution, but the fact is

My favorite sports English composition
what are your favourite sports?
Who taught you?
how did you learn it?
Chinese translation, at least six sentences
Write an English composition

My favourite sport-swimming
Hello,everyone!Do you have a favourtie sport item?I think you do!I also do.My favourite sport is swimming.
Every afternoon,I go swimming in our small river.When I swim,the small fishes often play with me and kiss my foot too.It makes me comfortable.My parents say I will have a good health if I insist swimming in a right way.So I always ask my P.E.teachers some questions on swimming and he always help me very much.
Ok,that's all.If you also like swimming,please contact me and let's enjoy it!
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