After a cylinder is cut off 5 cm, the surface area of the cylinder is reduced by 31.4 square cm. What is the volume of the original cylinder?

After a cylinder is cut off 5 cm, the surface area of the cylinder is reduced by 31.4 square cm. What is the volume of the original cylinder?

You forgot to say height
V (volume) = 3.14 * 1 * 1 * H (original height)
V = 3.14 * H (original height)

For this classic greatest common divisor, least common multiple of the C language program, I have doubts
Enter two positive integers m and N to find their greatest common divisor and least common multiple
1. Program analysis: using rolling method
2. Program source code:
int a,b,num1,num2,temp;
printf("please input two numbers:\n");
if(num1%num2==0) { temp=num1;
While (b! = 0) / * use the rolling method until B is 0*/
Please help me to see if there are any mistakes in this program, and if there are any mistakes. Also, please write comments for each sentence from the first if

int a,b,min,max,i,j;
if(a>b) {
}else {
for(max=a;i>=1;i--) {
if(a%i==0&&b%i==0) {
Printf ("the greatest common divisor is% D, I)";
for(j=min;;j++) {
if(j%a==0&&j%b==0) {
Printf ("the least common multiple is% D, J)";

If the perimeter of the triangle ABC is 8 and the area is 6, the perimeter and area of the triangle?

Connecting the middle points of each side respectively, then De, EF and FD are the median lines of △ ABC. According to the median line theorem, it is easy to prove that the quadrilateral ADFE is a parallelogram, △ ade ≌ △ fed. The same principle can be proved: △ BDF ≌ △ EFD, △ C

The quotient is 12. If the difference between the two numbers is 18, what are the two numbers
I'm sorry

The two numbers are 72 and 54
Let the greatest common divisor be a, then the least common multiple is 12a,
Because the two numbers a and B are B × A and C × a respectively,
We know that B × C = 12,
So ① B = 2, C = 6
And because (12a / b) - (12a / C) = 18
Therefore, we can know by substituting (1), (2) and (3) into the questions
B = 3, C = 4, a = 18, so a and B are 12a / b = 72, 12a / C = 54
Come on, sprinkle~

In the concept of linear expression, K1 can be all 0? But linear correlation explicitly states that there is K1 which is not all 0. Is that right

There is no special requirement for the combination coefficient in linear representation
For example, 0 = 0 α 1 + 0 α 2
However, the combination coefficients in the definition of linear correlation cannot be all 0
The necessary and sufficient condition for a vector group to be linearly correlated is that at least one vector can be linearly represented by the rest of the vectors
This is the relationship between the two

English translation
What do you think the life will be like in the future!

Be like is a preposition that means to be like
It's not a favorite verb
What do you think life will be like in the future
What will our future be like?
What will our future life look like?
Here is what life could be like.
Here may be our future life
I want to be like my Mom.
I want to be like my mother
It was just going to be like a free holiday.
It was like a free holiday
What do you think our new house should be like?
What do you think our new house should look like?

The parabola y = - x2 + 3 (M + 1) x + m + 4 intersects the X axis at two points a and B, and intersects the Y axis at point C. if point a is on the negative half axis of X axis, point B is on the positive half axis of X axis, and Bo = 4ao
(1) Find the analytical formula of parabola and straight line BC

If point a is on the negative half axis of X axis and point B is on the positive half axis of X axis,
Let OA = - n (n > 0), then ob = 4N,
The parabolic equation is y = - (x + n) (x-4n) = - x ^ 2 + 3nx + 4N ^ 2,
If the parabola y = - x2 + 3 (M + 1) x + m + 4, then
N1 = 1, N2 = - 3 / 4 (incompatible, rounding off, n > 0),
So M2 = - 7 / 4
The parabola is y = - x ^ 2 + 3x + 4,
When x = 0, y = 4
Then the coordinates of point C are (0,4), and the coordinates of point B are (4,0),
Then the equation of line BC is y = - x + 4

6 to 555, 5 to 666, 4 to 777

seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-six

What is the curve represented by polar coordinate equation ρ Cos2 θ = 0? A pole B polar axis C a line D two intersecting lines
I saw this answer on Baidu: choose D
Because ρ is not zero, both sides multiply by ρ
So we have X + y = 0 or X-Y = 0
Two straight lines, why can't p be equal to zero? Isn't there P > = 0? And P is also extended to real number r. when can p be negative? If P can be 0, does it mean the pole? If not, what does P mean when p = 0?
But I don't understand:

When p = 0, it is the origin
This is the intersection point of the two lines
It does not affect the conclusion of this question

Factorization (X & # 178; + 5) &# 178; - 16x & # 178;
