Division definition: total divided by what number is equal to the number of copies It's going to be used tonight. It's not going to be used tomorrow

Division definition: total divided by what number is equal to the number of copies It's going to be used tonight. It's not going to be used tomorrow

Divide the total by (the number of copies) to equal the number of copies
Number of copies x number of copies = total number
Total divided by number of copies = number of copies

In two digits, the largest even number divisible by 3 is______ The largest odd number that can be divisible by 3 and 5 at the same time is______ .

In two digits, the maximum even number divisible by 3 is 96, and the maximum odd number divisible by 3 and 5 is 85

How can we use a simple method to calculate it? I'm so anxious

Original formula = - (2 + 3 / 4) + (12 + 5 / 7) - 4.125 + 0.75 + 5 / 8
=7 and 3 / 14
I'll take 5 / 8 for one eighth. If you have any mistakes, ask again

Calculation: the fourth power of a * the square of the second power of a (2a) divided by the third power of 5A

The fourth power of a * the square of the second power of a (2a) divided by the third power of 5A
=The fourth power of a * the fourth power of 4A divided by the third power of 5A
=The eighth power of 4A △ the third power of 5A
=The fifth power of 4 / 5 × a

Fill in the blanks with appropriate fractions so that the sum of the three numbers in horizontal, vertical and oblique rows equals 1
First row: 2 / 5 () 8 / 15 second row () 1 / 3 () third row () 4 / 15 ()

First row: 2 / 5 (1 / 15) 8 / 15
Second row: (7 / 15) 1 / 3 (1 / 5)
Third row: (2 / 15) (3 / 5) 4 / 15

Solve the equations: 3x-4y = - 11,2y-3z = 1,2x + Z = - 1

3x-4y=-11 (1)
2y-3z=1 (2)
2x+z=-1 (3)
6x+2y= -2
3x+y = -1 (4)
from (4)
from (1)

I'll give you an IQ question. 5 + 3 = 28 9 + 1 = 810 8 + 6 = 214 5 + 4 = 19 question: 7 + 3 =? The right person shows that you have a high IQ


1, - 3,5, - 7,9, - 11,13. Denote the nth number with the algebraic expression containing n____
What is the relationship between the number of the third line and the number of the first and second lines? Judge whether - 529 is the number of the third line, and if so, what is the number?

1, - 3,5, - 7,9, - 11,13. Express the (n + 1) power × (2n-1) of the nth number (- 1) with the algebraic formula containing n
First line - second line = third line
The ninth

Calculation: 1 * 2 / 1 + 2 * 3 / 1 + 3 * 4 / 1 +. + 49 * 50 / 1


The area of a triangle is 20 square centimeters, its bottom is 8 centimeters, how high is it

Height = 2 × area △ bottom