When will all the work done by Ampere force be converted into Joule heat, when will part of it be converted into kinetic energy and part into Joule heat, Included in the magnetic field and electromagnetic induction

When will all the work done by Ampere force be converted into Joule heat, when will part of it be converted into kinetic energy and part into Joule heat, Included in the magnetic field and electromagnetic induction

Observe whether the electrified conductor has relative displacement. If not, Joule heat will be generated
If there is displacement, who will provide the power of displacement? If there is ampere force to provide displacement, it will be converted into kinetic energy, otherwise it will still produce Joule heat

It is easy to calculate 75% / 5 / 6 × 2 / 3 / 2 / 7
What's 80% more than 3 / 7 of 28?


There is an ammeter with an internal resistance of 100 ohm and a full bias current of 3mA. To refit it into a voltmeter with a measuring range of 6V, it is necessary to connect () with ()
There is an ammeter with an internal resistance of 100 ohm and a full bias current of 3 Ma. To refit it into a voltmeter with a measuring range of 6 V, you need to connect () to a resistor of () Ω. If you refit it into an ammeter with a measuring range of 3a, connect () to a resistor of about () Ω?

6V voltmeter, (Series) (1900 Ω)
3A ammeter, (in parallel) (0.1 Ω)

This is how I do it

The first is right
The second one is wrong

Find all the Physics Formulas in the second semester of junior high school!
All the original and distorted formulas

Fixed pulley f = g object s = H F: the tension on the free end of the rope g object: the gravity of the object s: the moving distance of the free end of the rope H: the distance from the object to rise moving pulley f = (g object + G wheel) s = 2 h G object: the gravity of the object G wheel: the gravity pulley block of the moving pulley f = (g object + G wheel) s = N H N: through dynamic sliding

Collect the beauty of life and write a 600 word composition
Must be narrative

Collect the beauty of life, a drop of dew can reflect the glory of the sun, a grain of sand contains a colorful world, Buddhist language: a flower a world, a leaf a Bodhi. The beauty of life is everywhere! The surging sea is a kind of bold beauty, the tinkling stream is a kind of soft beauty, the tall mountains and rivers is a kind of spectacular

The relationship between ampere force, kinetic energy and Joule heat
Is the work done by Ampere force equal to Joule heat + kinetic energy? What's the relationship among them? A topic is friction force, gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, Ampere force, Joule heat. Should we calculate ampere force with functional relationship?

In a magnetic field, for a circuit with resistance, the absolute value of negative work done by Ampere force = Joule heat = electric energy. If there is no resistance, Joule heat will not be produced
When friction does negative work, it also produces heat, but it is not called Joule heat
Generally speaking, from the point of view of energy, the change of kinetic energy of conductor rod = work done by combined external force = work done by external force F - work done by Ampere force - work done by F. (the minus sign here only refers to the negative work done by Ampere force and friction force in general, depending on the situation)

It is known that a = 3B & # 178; - 2A & # 178; + 5ab, B = 4ab-2b & # 178; - A & # 178;
1. Simplification: 3a-4b
2. When a = 1, B = - 1, find the value of 3a-4b

2) When a = 1, B = - 1,

The internal resistance of an electric fan is 20 ohm, and the power consumed during normal operation is 66 watts after connecting with 220 V voltage. What is the current through the motor?
What is the power converted into mechanical energy and internal energy? What is the efficiency of the motor?

Current I = P / u = 66W / 220V = 0.3A
The power converted into internal energy PNE = I2 * r = 0.09 = 1.8W
(note that the internal energy power here cannot be calculated by P = U2 / R)
Power converted into mechanical energy P machine = P total - P internal = 66w-1.8w = 64.2w
Motor efficiency n = 64.2 / 66 * 100% = 97.2%

When a particle uniformly Accelerates along a straight line to point a, the velocity is 2m / s, and reaches point B after 5S, and the velocity reaches 10m / s. at this time, the particle begins to decelerate again, and reaches point C after 4S, and stops moving. Find out: (1) the acceleration of the particle in the process of moving from point a to point B; (2) the acceleration of the particle in the process of moving from point B to point C

Let the motion direction of the particle be positive. (1) the particle accelerates uniformly from a to B, the initial velocity is V0 = 2m / s, the final velocity is v = 10m / s, and the motion time is t = 5S, then the acceleration is A1 = V − v0t = 10 − 25m / S2 = 1.6m/s2. (2) the particle decelerates from B to C, the initial velocity is V0 ′ = 10m / s, the final velocity is v ′ = 0, and the motion time is t ′ = 4S, then the acceleration is a = V ′− V0 t ′ = 0 − 104m / S2 =-The acceleration is 2.5m/s2. Answer: (1) the acceleration is 1.6m/s2 when the particle moves from point a to point B; (2) the acceleration is 2.5m/s2 when the particle moves from point B to point C