(- 2A squared B + 2 / 3 squared b) - (- AB + 3A squared b-ab squared), where a = 3, B = - 1

(- 2A squared B + 2 / 3 squared b) - (- AB + 3A squared b-ab squared), where a = 3, B = - 1

(- 2A squared B + 2 / 3 squared b) - (- AB + 3A squared b-ab squared)
=-2A & # 178; B + 3 / 2Ab & # 178; + ab-3a & # 178; B + AB & # 178;
=-5A & # 178; B + 5 / 3 AB & # 178; + ab
=-5x9x (- 1) + 5x3x (- 1) & # + 3x (- 1)
Do not know, welcome to ask

I don't know who you are

I don't know who you are.

The area of our classroom is about 50 square meters. How many of them are about 1 square kilometer?

(x + 1) 0 + 2 (X-2) - 2, then the value range of X is______ .

According to the meaning of the question, x + 1 ≠ 0 and X-2 ≠ 0, the solution is x ≠ - 1 and X ≠ 2

Please help me to explain some English words in English
Compare complaint push pressure organized freedom is known in Chinese. It's just like looking up an English dictionary to explain these words in English

compare:To examine or look for the difference between two or more things.complain :To make something clear or easy to understand by describing or giving information about it.pushily Pushy does not exist

{an} is an arithmetic sequence, the sum of the first n terms is Sn, and S4 = - 62, S6 = - 75, find | A1 | + | A2 | + +|The value of A14 |
{1} Finding the sum of formula an and the first n terms formula SN
{2] [A1] + [A2] + [A3] +. [A14] [represents absolute value

Let the tolerance be K
Then an = a1 + (n-1) * K
S6=A1+A2+...+A6=6A1+15k= -75
S4=A1+...+A4=4A1+6k= -62
Therefore, the equations are obtained
6A1+15k= -75
4A1+6k= -62
The solution is k = 3, A1 = - 20
So the general formula is an = - 20 + 3 * (n-1)
Sn=A1+...+An= (-20)*n+3*(0+1+...n-1)= -20*n+3*(n-1)*n/2
It can be seen from the general formula that the first seven terms of an are less than 0, and they are all greater than 0 from the eighth term
So | A1 | + | A2 | + +|a14|
=a1+a2+...+a14 -2*(a1+a2+...+a7)
=S14 - 2*S7
= -20*14+3*(14-1)*14/2 - 2*[-20*7+3*(7-1)*7/2]


The answer to this question is 3ABC (BZ CY) (Cx AZ) (ay BX)

Least common multiple of 45 and 81


Volume formula of rectangle

Don't you know the meaning of cuboid volume formula?
If so, let me give you an example:
For example, a cuboid is 5cm in length, 3cm in width and 2cm in height
The formula is: 5 × 3 × 2 = 30 (cubic centimeter)
Let's change our way of thinking. If we give you enough small cubes with edges of 1 cm in length (1 cubic cm in volume), how do you put them into such a cuboid?
Think: first place the first layer, first place five small squares along the length to form a row, (length is 5cm), and then place three rows along the width (width is 3cm), so that one layer can place 5 × 3 = 15 small cubes, height is 2cm, along the two layers of high energy pendulum, there are two 15s, one is 30. The comprehensive formula is: 5 × 3 × 2 = 30, that is, 30 cubic centimeters, "Length × width × height" is to find the number of cuboids with unit volume (in this case, the number of cuboids with cubic centimeter). Therefore, to multiply the length, width and height of cuboids is to find the volume of cuboids

Write the n-order Taylor formula (n > 3) of function f (x) = LNX at x = 2

F (x) = f (2) + F '(2) (X-2) + F' '(2) / 2! (X-2) & # 178; +. + F (2) n-order derivation / N! (X-2) ^ n + F (ζ) n + 1-order derivation / N! (X-2) ^ (n + 1) LNX = LN2 + 1 / 2 (X-2) - 1 / 8 (X-2) & # 178; +. + (- 1) (- 2)... × (- N + 1) / (n! × 2 ^ n) (X-2) ^ n + (- 1) (- 2)... (- 2) × (-)