If 2 × (SiNx) ^ 2 + 3 × cosx is greater than 3, find the value range of X

If 2 × (SiNx) ^ 2 + 3 × cosx is greater than 3, find the value range of X


The picture on the right is an approximate rectangle which is divided into several parts by a circle. The circumference of the circle is 6 cm different from that of the rectangle. Calculate the perimeter of the area

Radius 6 △ 2 = 3cm
Perimeter 3.14 × 6 = 18.84 cm
Area: 3.14 × 3 × 3 = 28.26 square centimeter

Answers on page 6 of the mathematics evaluation manual of grade 6 Volume 1
The grain in warehouse A is twice as much as that in warehouse B. warehouse a delivers 350 tons a day, and warehouse B delivers 250 tons a day. A few days later, the grain in warehouse B is just finished, and there are 900 tons left in warehouse A. how many tons of grain are there in each warehouse

Suppose: warehouse B used to have X tons of grain, and warehouse a used to have 2x tons of grain
A: warehouse B used to have 1500 tons of grain, and warehouse a used to have 3000 tons

How to find the general solution of the equation dy △ DX = 10 ^ (x + y)?

∫ dy / DX = 10 ^ (x + y) = = > 10 ^ (- y) * dy = 10 ^ x * DX = = > ∫ 10 ^ (- y) * dy = ∫ 10 ^ x * DX = = > - 10 ^ (- y) / ln10 = 10 ^ x / ln10-c / ln10 (C is an integral constant) = > - 10 ^ (- y) = 10 ^ x-C = = = > 10 ^ x + 10 ^ (- y) = C = = = > 10 ^ (x + y) + 1 = C * 10 ^ y ∫ the general solution of the original equation is 10 ^ (x + y) + 1 = C * 10 ^ y (...)

As shown in the figure, there are two small squares in a large square, whose areas are m and N respectively, then nm=______ .

First of all, let the side length of a large square be a, s (n) = A24, and make the height of a fixed point of an isosceles triangle passing through M, height = 2A2, side length of M = 11.5 × 2A2 = 23 × 2A2, ∧ s (m) = (23 × 2A2) & nbsp; 2 = 29a2. ∧ s (n): s (m) = 9:8

There are eight columns in the hall. The perimeter of the bottom surface of each column is 25.12 decimeters and the height is 7 meters. If the painting cost is 0.5 yuan per square meter, how much will it cost to paint the eight columns?

25.12 decimeters = 2.512 meters, 2.512 × 7 × 8 × 0.5, = 140.672 × 0.5, = 70.336 yuan; a: it costs 70.336 yuan to paint the eight pillars

3 5, 1 1, equal to - 24, fill in the operation symbol


How to solve the equations dy / DX = x, DX / dy = y
Wrong number just now. The title is DX / dt = x, dy / dt = y

dx/dt=x ①
dy/dt=y ②
From (1) to (2), it can be concluded that:
Both ends are integrated at the same time

(- 2) ^ 2003 * (1 / 2) ^ 2002 equals ()


Teach me
The ratio of money between Party A and Party B is 3:1. If Party A gives Party B 0.6 yuan, the ratio of money between them is 2:1. How many yuan do they have in total? Cut three pieces of paper horizontally and five pieces of paper vertically to divide a large square into 24 pieces of the same rectangular paper. The known small square paper is divided into small square paper with the largest area as possible. The known side length of the small square paper is 5 cm, How to find the area of a large square

First question:
1. 3 / (3 + 1) = 3 / 4 before Party A gives Party B 0.6 yuan
2. 2 / (2 + 1) = 2 / 3 after Party A gives Party B 0.6 yuan
The reason why a's share of the total money changed is that he gave 0.6 yuan to B
6 (3 / 4-2 / 3) = 7.2 (yuan)
A: they have a total of 7.2 yuan
Question 2:
Analysis: according to "three cuts horizontally and five cuts vertically", the side length of a square is divided into four parts and six parts on average. Then the length of 24 rectangles is 1 / 4 of the side length of a large square, and the width is 1 / 6 of the side length of a large regular. In addition, the small rectangles should be equally divided into as large squares as possible. A rectangular paper can be divided into six small squares as much as possible, It's easy to find the area of a large square
5 × 5 × 6 × 24 = 3600 (cm2)
A: the area of a large square is 3600 square centimeters