The coordinates of the point P (a, b) with respect to the x-axis symmetry are___ The coordinates of the y-axis symmetric point are___ The coordinates of the symmetric point about the origin are___ .

The coordinates of the point P (a, b) with respect to the x-axis symmetry are___ The coordinates of the y-axis symmetric point are___ The coordinates of the symmetric point about the origin are___ .

The results show that the coordinates of the point P (a, b) about the x-axis symmetric point are (a, - b); about the y-axis symmetric point are (- A, b); about the origin symmetric point are (- A, - b); so the answers are: (a, - B); (- A, b); (- A, - b)

A cylindrical reservoir with a bottom radius of 10 meters can store 1570 cubic meters of water. If it is excavated to a depth of 2 meters, how many cubic meters can it store?

1570 + 3.14 * 10 * 10 * 2 = 2198 M3

1, 5, 6, 6 are 24 points
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, brackets are OK


What is the area of the triangle formed by the tangent of the curve y = X3 at point (3, 27) and the two coordinate axes?

The equation of the tangent line of the curve at points (3, 27) is y = 27x-54. The intersection points of the line with the x-axis and the y-axis are (2, 0) and (0, - 54), respectively. The triangle area enclosed by the tangent line and the coordinate axis is s = 12 × 2 × 54 = 54. The triangle area is 54

280 cubic decimeter = () 0.05 cubic decimeter = () cubic centimeter = () milliliter 3 meter = () decimeter 6 square centimeter = () square decimeter

280 cubic decimeter = (0.28) cubic meter 0.05 cubic decimeter = (50) cubic centimeter = (50) milliliter 3 meter = (30) decimeter 6 square centimeter = 0.06 square decimeter

As shown in the figure, the front view and side view of a space geometry are squares with side length of 2, and the top view is a circle, so the volume of the geometry is ()
A. π2B. πC. 2πD. 4π

It can be seen from the three views that the geometry is a cylinder, and the height and bottom diameter are both 2. V = π × 12 × 2 = 2 π

Given that the point a (- 2, - C) is shifted 8 units to the right, the two points a ', a and a' are on the parabola y = AX2 + BX + C, and the ordinate of the intersection of the parabola and the Y axis is - 6, then the vertex coordinate of the parabola is ()
A. (2,-10)B. (2,-6)C. (4,-10)D. (4,-6)

From the ordinate of the intersection of the parabola y = AX2 + BX + C and the Y axis is - 6, we get C = - 6, a (- 2,6), and point a shifts 8 units to the right to get point a '(6,6), ∵ A and a' are on the parabola, ∵ 4A − 2B − 6 = 636a + 6B − 6 = 6

How many cubic meters of water is one ton of water
My family has installed a new water pipe, but it has gone several cubic meters of water before it can be used. Is one cubic meter of water a ton? It's very urgent, because tomorrow's plumber will not care,

Ideally, the density of water is 1000 kg / m3, which is one ton per cubic meter

2003 power of (√ 3-2) * (√ 3 + 2)
For example: (√ 3-2) 2003 * (√ 3 + 2) 2003=


The image of parabola y = x & # 178; + BX + C moves two units to the right and three units to the down. The analytic expression of the image function is y = (x-1) &# 178; - 4. What are the values of B and C?

Y = ((X-2) - 1) ² - 4 + 3, then we get BC