High number calculation problem, known y = x & # 179; + 2x & # 178; + E & # 178;, find D & # 178; Y / DX & # 178;? E & # 178;, which can help

High number calculation problem, known y = x & # 179; + 2x & # 178; + E & # 178;, find D & # 178; Y / DX & # 178;? E & # 178;, which can help

y = x³ + 2x² + e^x
dy/dx = 3x² + 4x + e^x
d²y/dx² = 6x + 4 + e^x

Let y = f (x) be differentiable and f (x) derivative = 1 / x ^ 2 + 1, then DF (1 / x) =?

Let t = 1 / X
Then DF (1 / x) = f '(T) DT = f' (T) (- 1 / x ^ 2) DX = [1 / (1 + 1 / x ^ 2)] * (- 1 / x ^ 2) DX = (- 1 / 1 + x ^ 2) DX

There are 325 male and female students in a certain grade. In the new school year, there are 25 male students and 5 female students. The total number of students increases by 16______ People

325 - (25-16) △ 5% + 25 = 325-9 △ 5% + 25, = 325-180 + 25, = 170 (people); answer: now there are 170 boys. So the answer is: 170

If 5x-3y-2 = 0, find the value of formula 10 ^ 5x / 10006y?


Number a is 25% more than number B, and number B is 20% less than number C. number a is ()% of number C

Let a, B and C be x, y and Z respectively
The meaning of the title is as follows:
X = y + 25% Y and y = Z-20% Z
That is, x = 1.25y and y = 0.8z
So x = 1.25y = 1.25 * (0.8z) = Z
So the number a is (100)% of the number C

Are all nonnegative numbers greater than zero?

No. nonnegative devices 0 and negative, 0 are neither negative nor positive, that is, nonnegative

The ratio of a, B and C is 2:3:5, with an average of 30

Number of a = 30 × 3 ÷ (2 + 3 + 5) × 2 = 18
May my answer help you!
If you have any questions, please ask, willing to answer questions
If you understand and solve your problem, please take it as the best answer_ ∩)O

The two right sides of a right triangle are 18 decimeters and 9.4 decimeters respectively. What is the area of this right triangle?

Area of right triangle = 18x9.4 △ 2 = 84.6m2

The average number of a, B and C is 120. The known number of a is 128, the number of C is 115, and the number of B is ()


Hello, Mr. Liu. The necessary and sufficient condition for the unique solution of the system AX = B is
If a is a square matrix of order n, is the invertible sum of a and | a | = 0 a necessary and sufficient condition for the unique solution of a system of non-homogeneous linear equations AX = B?

It should be a reversible
A necessary and sufficient condition for Ax = B to have a unique solution