In the division formula with remainder, what is the divisor equal to? Multiply what and add what?

In the division formula with remainder, what is the divisor equal to? Multiply what and add what?

Divisor = divisor times quotient + remainder

The circumference of a circle is 10.56 cm longer than its radius. What is the area of the circle

2 × radius × π = perimeter
2 × radius × π = radius + 10.56
2 × radius × 3.14 = radius + 10.56
6.28 × radius radius = 10.56
5.28 × radius = 10.56
Radius = 10.56 △ 5.28
Radius = 2 cm
Area = 2 & # 178; × 3.14 = 12.56 square centimeter

As shown in the figure, it is known that s is a point out of the plane of the parallelogram ABCD, m and N are points on SA and BD respectively, and SMMA = bnnd. Then the line Mn______ Plane SBC

It is proved that bnnd = bgag can be obtained by making ng ‖ ad through N, intersecting AB with G and connecting mg. According to the known condition bnnd = SMMA, SMMA = bgag, ⊄ mg ‖ sb. ⊄ mg ⊄ plane SBC, sb ⊂ plane SBC, ⊂ mg ‖ plane SBC. Ad ‖ BC, ⊄ ng ‖ BC, ng ⊄ plane SBC, BC ⊂ plane SBC ⊂ ng ‖ plane SBC

If the perimeter of a sector is 4cm, the radius should be

If the radius is r, the arc length is 4-2r
Area s = (4-2r) R / 2 = R (2-r)
∵ R, 2-r are all real numbers greater than 0,
When r = 2-r, s takes the maximum value, s = 1
Then r = 1
In this case, the center angle α = 2S / R & # 178; = 2

It is known that the isochromatic sequence {an} with nonzero tolerance satisfies A5 = 10, and A1, A3 and A9 are equal proportion sequences. (1) find the general term formula an of the sequence {an}; (2) let Sn be the sum of the first n terms of the sequence {an}, find the sum of the first n terms of the sequence {1sn}

(1) Let the tolerance be D, then a1 + 4D = 10 (a1 + 2D) 2 = A1 (a1 + 8D) | a1 + 4D = 104d2 = 4a1d ∵ D ≠ 0, | A1 = 2, d = 2 | an = 2 + (n-1) × 2 = 2n; (2) from (1), Sn = n (2 + 2n) 2 = N2 + n | 1sn = 1n2 + n = 1n-1n + 1 | the first n terms and TN = (1-12) + (12-13) + +(1n-1n+1)=1-1n+1=nn+1.

My favorite music is about 70 words

My favorite musicThere are many kinds of music ,such as classic music,pop music ,rock music and so on.But my favorite music is classic music.because this kind of music'rhythm is very beautiful and sof...

As shown in the figure, in the plane rectangular coordinate system, O is the origin. Given the point a (3,4) and the line AB, ab ⊥ OA and ab = OA, find the coordinates of point B

Let B (x, y) have 1:3 * (x-3) + 4 * (y-4) = 0.2: (x-3) square + (y-4) square = 25

Divide a cube with an edge length of 8 cm into two identical cuboids. What is the surface area and volume of each cuboid?

Divide a cube with an edge length of 8 cm into two identical cuboids. What is the surface area and volume of each cuboid?
Surface area 8 × 8 × (6 + 2) △ 2 = 256 square centimeter
Volume 8 × 8 × 8 △ 2 = 256 CC

If Tana and tanb are two real roots of the equation x square + 2x-3 = 0, then Tan (a + b) =?

tana + tanb = -2
tana*tanb = -3
tan(a+b) = (tana+tanb) / (1- tana*tanb)
= -2 / (1+3) = -1/2

If 1-I (I is an imaginary unit) is a solution of the equation x2 + 2px + q = 0 (P, Q ∈ R) about X, then p + q = ()
A. -3B. -1C. 1D. 3

∵ 1-I (I is an imaginary unit) is a solution of the equation x2 + 2px + q = 0 (P, Q ∈ R) about X, and ∵ 1 + I is another solution of the equation. According to the relationship between the root and the coefficient, we can get 1 + I + 1 − I = − 2p (1 + I) (1 − I) = q, P = − 1q = 2, P + q = - 1 + 2 = 1