The smallest even number that can be divided by 3 and 5 at the same time is (), and the largest three digits are ()

The smallest even number that can be divided by 3 and 5 at the same time is (), and the largest three digits are ()

nine hundred and ninety

0.125 times five plus 0.625 times five plus 0.125 times five


2A ^ 2-2ab-6a + B ^ 2-17 simplification


One seventh is the sum of two fractions of one

One seventh of the answer is the sum of two 1 / 14 numbers

Solving binary linear equations {x + 2Y = 10, y = 2x, please, thank you
Given {x = 2, y = 1 {2x}+

x+2y=10 y=2x x+4x=10 x=2,y=4

5+3=28 9+1=810 8+6=214 5+4=19

Subtract two numbers to get four hundredths, and add two numbers to get ten

Given that x = 2m + 1, y = 3 + 4m, the algebraic expression containing x is used to express y, then y=______ .

∵ 4m = 22m = (2m) 2, x = 2m + 1, ∵ 2m = X-1, ∵ y = 3 + 4m, ∵ y = (x-1) 2 + 3, i.e. y = x2-2x + 4

1 and 2 by 1 and 3 by 1 and 4 by 1.1 and 49 by 1 and 50 by 1

3, 4, 5... 49, 50 can be eliminated
In the end, 51 / 2

A triangle has a side length of 1.2cm and an area of 3.6 square centimeters. What is the height of this side?
Attention! Use set and X, no need, no hurry

The height of this side is 3.6 × 2 △ 1.2 = 6 cm

12 out of 23 = 18 out of 18 / 9

X △ 12 / 23 = 23 / 18 △ 4 / 9