How to calculate 1-LN (1 / E)

How to calculate 1-LN (1 / E)


Ln (1 + e) / (1-1 / E) = 1? Or is it equal to what? If so, how to calculate it

About 1.77

The primitive function of Ln (1 + x)

Part points, I do the task

When a student removed the denominator of the equation (2x-1) / 3 = (x + a) / 3-1, the - 1 on the right side of the equation was not multiplied by 3, so he obtained the solution of the equation as x = 2. Try to find the value of A

When (2x-1) / 3 = (x + a) / 3-1 goes to the denominator, the - 1 on the right side of the equation is not multiplied by 3
Therefore, the equation obtained by the student is as follows:
If the solution of the equation is x = 2, then a = 2

A and B two cars from 450 kilometers away from each other at the same time, meet 5 hours later, a car speed is 1.5 times of B car speed, find two car speed

The two cars are 90 km / h in total
So car a is 90 △ 1.5 + 1 * 1.5 = 54 km / h
Car B is 90-54 = 36 km / h

For a two place decimal, move its decimal point one place to the right, and then subtract it from the two place decimal. The result is 11.52. What is the two place decimal?
I'm in a hurry! Please answer quickly! Thank you!

This two place decimal is 11.52 ÷ (10-1) = 1.28

The bus and the truck leave from the two cities at the same time. The bus runs 80 kilometers per hour and the truck 70 kilometers per hour. After the two cars meet, they continue to move forward and return to the two cities immediately. When the two cars meet again, the bus runs 45 kilometers more than the truck. How many kilometers is the distance between the two cities?

Suppose the distance between city a and city B is x km, 2x / (80 + 70) * (80-70) = 45, x = 337.5 A. ~ if you don't understand this question, you can ask questions. If you are satisfied, please click on the top right corner to praise it and "adopt it as a satisfactory answer" ~ if you have any new questions, please don't send them in the form of follow-up questions, and send them to me

Why is the limit of sin (NX) / N 0, X is all real numbers, proved by the pinch theorem


The two trains run from 580 km away and meet each other after 2.5 hours. It is known that the speed ratio of the two trains is 14:15, and the speed ratio of the two trains is 14:15
(solution ratio)

580 △ 2.5 = 232 km / h
Set the speed X of car a
B speed 112x15 / 14 = 120 km / h
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I wish you progress in your study!

The average of the three numbers of a, B and C is 60. The ratio of a, B and C is 3:2:1. What are the numbers of a, B and C?

A 30x3 = 90
B = 30x2 = 60
C = 30x1 = 30