Lne equals log10e?

Lne equals log10e?

Ln is equivalent to log10

How much is lne waiting?


What is lne equal to in mathematics


There is a three digit number, and the sum of its digits is 24, so there are three digits______ One

6 + 9 + 9 = 24, 7 + 8 + 9 = 24, 8 + 8 + 8 = 24.699969996789798879897978987888. So there are three digits: 3 + 6 + 1 = 10

Let a be a fourth-order matrix, and the transpose of a times a is equal to 2E, the determinant of a + 3E is equal to 0, and the determinant of a is less than 0
Because there is no mathematical editor, so the topic is a little rough, very urgent!
Sorry to find an eigenvalue of the adjoint matrix of A. excuse me!

From AA ^ t = 2E, we can get | ^ 2 = 2 ^ 4 = 4 ^ 2
And because of | a|

In a dance team, there are 18 fewer boys than girls, and the number of girls is 1.9 times that of boys. How many boys and girls are there? (use equation solution)

Given that the square of a is equal to a + 1 and the square of B is equal to B + 1, then the 5th power of a + the 5th power of B is equal to?

Because a ^ 2 = a + 1, B ^ 2 = B + 1,
So a ^ 5 = a ^ 2 * a ^ 2 * a = (a + 1) ^ 2 * a = (a ^ 2 + 2A + 1) * a = (a + 1 + 2A + 1) * a = (3a + 2) a = 3A ^ 2 + 2A = 3 (a + 1) + 2A = 5A + 3
Similarly, B ^ 5 = 5B + 3
So a ^ 5 + B ^ 5 = 5A + 5B + 6

Xiao Ming has a story book. On the first day, he read one sixth of the whole book. On the second day, he read 32 pages. On the third day, he read three-thirds of the total pages of the previous two days. At this time, a quarter of the whole book was not read. How many pages are there in the book?

(x/6+32)*(1+3/2)=(1-1/4)x x=240

If the quadratic power of a + the quadratic power of B = 5, the value of formula (the quadratic power of 3A - the quadratic power of 2ab-b) - (the quadratic power of a - 2ab-3b)?

And they should be: (3a-h-178; and-2a-b-b-b-h-178; (a-a-h-178; and-2a-2b-3b-3b-3b; (; (a-a-b-2b-2b-3b-; (; (a-a-h-178; and-2a-2b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-h-178; (a-h-178; (a-h-h-178; and-2b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-178; (; (; (; (; (a; (a; (a-b-b-b-b-b-b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b-3b#178; + 2B & #178; = 2 (A & #178; + B & #178;) = 2 × 5 =

A bus from a to B, 80 kilometers per hour, two hours later, a car at the speed of 120 kilometers per hour to catch up with the bus
When can we catch up?

Is it a primary school student? The correct answer is 4 hours. Two hours running 160 kilometers = total distance, car can catch up with 40 kilometers per hour = speed, distance divided by speed = time