What is lne ^ (- 1) equal to

What is lne ^ (- 1) equal to


Is lne minus ln1 equal to 1? Why?

Lne = loge (E) = 1, ln1 = loge (1) = 0, so lne-ln1 = 1

A point on the number axis that represents an integer is called an integral point. The unit length of a certain number axis is 1cm. If you draw a line 2006cm long on the number axis
Then the number of integral points covered by ab is ()
A. 2004 or 2005 b.2005 or 2006
C. 2006 or 2007 D. not sure

Affirmative C
When a and B are on the whole, it's 2007
When point a and point B are not on the whole, it's 2006

It takes 10 hours for a bus to drive from city a to city B, and 15 hours for a truck to drive from city B to city A. the two cars drive from the two cities at the same time. When they meet, the bus travels 96 kilometers more than the truck. How many kilometers is the highway between City A and city B long?

If we regard the length of the road between the two cities as a unit of "1", then the speed of the bus is: 1 △ 10 = 110, the speed of the truck is: 1 △ 15 = 115, the meeting time of the two cars is: 1 △ 110 + 115 = 6 (hours). The bus travels more than the truck every hour: 96 △ 6 = 16 (kilometers). The length of the road between the two cities is: 16 △ 110-115, = 16 △ 130, = 16 × 30, = 480 (kilometers). Answer: a B the highway between the two cities is 480 kilometers long

The sequence {an} satisfies A1 = 1 / 6, the first n terms and Sn = {[n (n + 1)] / 2} × an. The expression of an is guessed and proved by mathematical induction

There seems to be something wrong with this question
But using the formula above, it's 6

As shown in the figure, a small wooden block with a mass of 1kg on the horizontal plane Accelerates along the ground from a static state under the action of a tensile force with a size of 5N and an angle of 370 between the direction and the horizontal direction. If the dynamic friction coefficient between the wooden block and the ground is 0.5, the value of
(1) The work done by the pulling force, the friction force and the supporting force of the ground to the object in 4S
(2) The power of pulling force at the end of 4S and the average power within 4S
As shown in the figure, a small wooden block with a mass of 1kg on the horizontal plane Accelerates along the ground from a static state under the action of a tensile force with a size of 5N and an angle of 370 between the direction and the horizontal direction. If the dynamic friction coefficient between the wooden block and the ground is 0.5, the value of
(1) The work done by the pulling force, the friction force and the supporting force of the ground to the object in 4S
(2) The power of pulling force at the end of 4S and the average power within 4S

(1) the supporting force of the ground to the object: N1 = mg-fsin37 ° friction force: F = μ * N1 forward pulling force: N2 = fcos37 ° acceleration of the object: a = (n2-f) / M4S distance of the object movement: S = (a × 4 × 4) / 2 work of the pulling force: w (f) = N2 × s = fcos37 ° × s

It is known that the solution of X + 2 / x = 3 + 2 / 3 is X1 = 3, X2 = 2 / 3; the solution of the equation x + 2 / x = 4 + 2 / 4 is X1 = 4, X2 = 2 / 4; the solution of the equation x + 2 / x = 4 + 2 / 5 is X1 = 4, X2 = 2 / 4
It is known that the solution of X + 2 / x = 3 + 2 / 3 is X1 = 3, X2 = 2 / 3;
The solution of the equation x + 2 / x = 4 + 2 / 4 is: X1 = 4, X2 = 2 / 4;
The solution of the equation x + 2 / x = 4 + 2 / 5 is: X1 = 5, X2 = 2 / 5
1. Observe the above equation and its solution, and guess the solution of equation x + 2 / x = 11 * 2 / 11
Can you express such equations and solutions in general form

In the original question, it is conjectured that the equation should not be x + 2 / x = 11 * 2 / 11
1. Suppose that the solution of the equation x + 2 / x = 11 + 2 / 11 is X1 = 11; x2 = 2 / 11
2. In general, the solution of the equation x + A / x = B + A / b (a ≠ 0, B ≠ 0) is

What is the difference between sliding friction and static friction?

Sliding friction is the relative motion between objects
Static friction is the tendency of relative motion between objects. There is only a tendency, but there is no relative motion

The solution of X / 2 + X / 6 + X / 12 + X / 20 + X / 30 + X / 42 = 1 by simple method

(1-1/2)X+(1/2-1/3)X+(1/3-1/4)X+(1/4-1/5)X+(1/5-1/6)X+(1/6-1/7)X=1 (1-1/2+1/2-1/3+1/3-1/4+1/4-1/5+1/5-1/6+1/6-1/7)X=1 (1-1/7)X=1 6/7X=1 X=7/6

If the bus travels 45km per hour from a to B, it will be 1 / 2 hour late. If it travels 50km per hour, it will be 1 / 2 hour early. It is a long distance between a and B

50 × (1 / 2 + 1 / 2) = 50 km
50 ÷ (50-45) = 10 hours
45 × 10 = 450 km
A: the distance between a and B is 450 km