What are the following English pronunciation words Taretori

What are the following English pronunciation words Taretori

It's territory ['terit & # 601; RI]
n. Territory, territory, territory, scope

Which word is English pronunciation close to "some hug Oh"
It's not mobile

mobile ['məʊbaɪl]
Mobile, changeable, unfixed
n. Moving objects
And in this mobile world,you have to carry it along with you.
In this flowing world, you have to carry them all the time

It is known that f (x) is an odd function on R. when x is less than or equal to 0, f (x) = x ^ 2-2x + 3, find the analytic expression of F (x)

When x > 0, - x0)
{x^2-2x+3 (x

Two basic hypotheses of special relativity

Einstein's special theory of relativity consists of two basic hypotheses: 1. The principle of relativity. In all inertial systems, the laws of physics have the same expression. This is a generalization of the principle of relativity of mechanics. It applies to all laws of physics. Its essence is equal weight in all inertial systems

A rectangular sheet of iron, cut 8 cm from the long side, cut 4 cm from the short side, the square area is 116 square cm less than the original rectangular area, then the area of the original rectangular sheet of iron is how many square cm?

Let the side length of a square be a, (8 + a) × (4 + a) - A2 = 116 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 32 + 8A + 4A + a2-a2 = 116 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 12a + 32 = 116 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp

If I = sin (314t-45) a, the maximum value of the alternating current___ , valid value___ , period___ , initial phase___ .

The maximum value is_ 1A__
Effective value_ 0.707A__ ,1A/√2=0.707A
Cycle_ 0.02s__ , ω = 2 π / T = 314,2 * 3.14/t = 314, t = 0.02s
Initial phase_ -45° __ .

There is a cuboid box. The bottom is a square with a circumference of 40cm and the height is 18cm. What are its surface area and volume?

Base perimeter times height = surface area

Using the function to calculate the value of the bonus item, the formula is "full workload is 40, full workload bonus is 800 yuan, insufficient workload bonus is 600 yuan"

Assuming that A1 is the workload, the bonus calculation formula is as follows:

The height of the cone is 10cm, the side view is semicircle, and the side area of the cone is 5cm______ .

Let the generatrix length of the cone be l, ∵ the expanded side view be a semicircle, ∵ π L = 2 π R, ∵ r = L2, ∵ the height of the cone be 10cm, ∵ (10) 2 + R2 = L2, the solution is: r = 1033cm, ∵ generatrix L = 2033cm, ∵ the side area of the cone is: 2 π × 1033 × 2033 △ 2 = 2003 π cm2

When calculating the division with remainder, the divisor 308 is wrongly written as 368, the quotient is increased by 5, and the remainder is exactly the same. Find the divisor and remainder of the division formula

The remainder remains unchanged
The divisor increases by 368-308 = 60, and the quotient increases by 5
So divisor = 60 △ 5 = 12
308 ÷ 12 = 25 + 8
So the remainder is eight