What is the pronunciation of thin and broken? The answer was immediately praised! Urgent need! Thank you! Please!

What is the pronunciation of thin and broken? The answer was immediately praised! Urgent need! Thank you! Please!

yòu báo yòu pò

Another pronunciation of color
Color seed fiber angle
Write out the different pronunciations of the four words and make up the words

Chromon sh ǎ I
Species, tree, surname
Fibre, fibre, fibre
Horn pronunciation: Ji ǎ o horn pronunciation: Ju é role

English translation
1.picture of romance 6.to sink
2.beneath the surface 7.calmly
3.commitment 8.to change her mind
4.to never know 9.devotion
5.iceberg 10.to shake
Khan, sorry, I made a mistake. I want to explain it in English. I'm so sorry
Good words can add points

1. Love photos
2. Under the surface
3. Commitment
Never know
5. Iceberg
6. Sinking
7. Calmly
8. Change her resolution / decision
9. Dedication
10. Shake / sway

We know that the parabola F: x ^ 2 = 4Y (1) has three vertices of triangle ABC. On the parabola F, we record the slope of the line where AB, BC and Ca are located
Given the parabola F: x ^ 2 = 4Y (1) the three vertices of triangle ABC are on the parabola F. note that the slopes of the lines AB, BC and Ca on the three sides of triangle ABC are KAB, KBC and KCa respectively. If point a is at the origin of the coordinate, find the value of KAB minus KBC + KCa. (2) write a polygon with P (2,1) as the vertex and the other vertices are the moving points on the parabola F, and write the relationship between the slopes of the lines on each side of the polygon, And explain the reason

A (0,0), B (B, B ^ 2 / 4), C (C, C ^ 2 / 4) KAB = B / 4, KBC = (B + C) / 4, KCa = C / 4kab KBC + KCa = 02) a (2,1), B (B, B ^ 2 / 4), C (C, C ^ 2 / 4), D (D, d ^ 2 / 4) KAB = [(b ^ 2-4) / 4] / (b-2) = (B + 2) / 4kbc = (B + C) / 4kcd = (c + D) / 4kDa = (D + 2) / 4, so KAB + KCD KBC kDa = 0

At the end of the holiday?
Such as the title

The holiday/vacation is over.
The holiday/vacation came to an end.
The holiday/vacation ends.

The numerator and denominator are adjacent, and the fraction of two natural numbers is the simplest fraction______ (judge right or wrong)

The concept of the simplest fraction is: the greatest common factor of the numerator and denominator is 1. The adjacent two non-zero natural numbers must be coprime numbers, because their greatest common factor is 1. This question does not explain that it is a non-zero natural number, and it is meaningless to use 0 as the denominator, so the judgment question is wrong

The + superlative + plural noun?

This is one of the best televisions on the market

Given that the angle between vectors a and B is 45 ° and | a | = 1, | 2a-b | = √ 10, then | B | =? Analysis: | 2a-b ||
Given that the angle between vectors a and B is 45 ° and | a | = 1, | 2a-b | = √ 10, then | B | =?
Analysis: | 2a-b | ^ 2 = 4A ^ 2-4ab + B ^ 2 = 10
B = 3 √ 2
I want to ask, why can't b be equal to the negative root 2, and what's more, is it the module length of the vector B or the vector B

What we get is the module of the vector B, which is | B|
So you are: B ^ 2-4 | a | B | * √ 2 / 2 = 6
This step is wrong
It should be written as follows: | B | ^ 2-2 √ 2 * | B | - 6 = 0
The module | B | is the length of the vector, so it cannot be negative
If you don't understand, please ask, I wish you a happy study!

How to distinguish nouns, verbs and adjectives in English,

If it is a verb, it can only act as a predicate, that is to say, a certain action or behavior; if it is a noun, it can generally act as a subject, a predicator, or a modifier in front of other nouns
So as long as you can find the subject and predicate of the sentence, you can tell whether the word you say is used as a noun or a verb. But to tell the truth, there are not many words that can be used as both a noun and a verb. It's easy to judge if they are in the sentence

In the triangle ABC, ab = AC, the angle BAC = 120 °, D, f are AB, the midpoint of AC, De is vertical AB, FG is vertical AC, the points e, G are on BC, BC = 18
Seeking the length of EG

In △ AMC, AC = 5 √ 3, CF = 5 √ 3 / 2
In △ CGF, CG = 5, BG = 10, eg = 15-5-5 = 5