Another pronunciation of green

Another pronunciation of green

"L" is also a four tone sound. It's the sound that the heroes of the green forest say

Another pronunciation to use
Besides asking for money and things, what are the pronunciation groups

First voice
(1) (hieroglyphic. Xiaozhuan. It looks like a human in the middle and has two hands on both sides. It means two hands on the waist. Original meaning: human waist)
(2) The ancient word "waist"
In the past, King Ling of Chu was very careful
If you wear AI Yiying, you can't admire Youlan. - "songs of Chu"
So eat according to the amount of food, and take according to the amount of food
(3) Another example: to Brawn (waist and spine. Analogy important parts); to chapter (waist wear seal); to branch (waist)
(4) In ancient times, it refers to the area between 1500 Li and 2000 li away from the capital. For example, Yaofu (ancient Wangji is divided into five clothes according to the distance. It is said that 1500 Li to 2000 Li is Yaofu); yaohuang (Yaofu and Huangfu). In ancient times, it was called Huangfu, which generally refers to a distant country; yaoman (extremely remote and wild land)
(5) Surname
(1) Invite [invite]
He must return home and set up wine to kill chickens for food
Zhang Liang comes out and wants Xiang Bo
Shi Chong's collection of visiting Yan
(2) Another example: to quote (invite, welcome, recommend); offer (invite; invite)
(3) To make a solemn promise or express a determination to something by way of an oath. Also referred to as an oath or a covenant
If you want to swear by the Yellow River, you must hold the stone of Yan Ran
(4) Another example: offer (to make a league; to make a contract; to agree); to ask for a contract (to make a contract; to make a covenant)
(5) Search for [seek; pursue]
Don't be lucky if you don't have a few. Sun Xingyan says, "you should communicate with the emperor."
Today's people build up their heavenly nobility to be nobility to be nobility to be nobility to be nobility to be nobility to be nobility to be nobility to be nobility to be nobility to be nobility to be nobility to be nobility to be nobility to be nobility to be nobility to be nobility to be nobility to be nobility
What's the benefit of those who want to benefit when they are in danger
(6) Another example: ask for wealth (seek for wealth); ask for happiness (pray for happiness)
(7) Intercept [intercept]
Make several people want to be on the road
And the day before yesterday, he was in charge of politics, and his father was his mother
Zhang Liang comes out and wants Xiang Bo
(8) Another example: to block (block; block); to resist (block control); to block the way (block; block the way)
(9) Meet [meet], e.g. on the way; on the way; on the way; on the way
(10) Keep within bounds; restrict; prohibit
(11) Stress [force; coerce]
The alliance of the Ming God and the foreign god -- Zuo Zhuan, the ninth year of Xianggong
And we should make an alliance without quality
Although I don't want you, I don't believe it
To achieve the success of the state of Jin
(12) Another example is: asking for the market (to seek benefits by means of coercion or force the other party to meet certain requirements); asking for robbery (coercing robbery)
(13) [join; meet]
(14) Examine [examine; verify; check], e.g. to be a prisoner
Group words: to merit, to attack, to demand, to threaten

Is there only one dictionary on the teacher's desk

are there any dictionaries on the teacher’s desk?

In △ ABC, a, B and C are the opposite sides of angles a, B and C respectively, cosa = 55 and tanb = 3. (I) find the value of angle c; (II) if a = 4, find the area of △ ABC

(I) from cosa = 55, Sina = 255, Tana = 2, Tanc = − Tan (a + b) = − Tana + tanb1 − tanatanb = 1, and 0 < C <π, C = π 4. (II) from Asina = csinc, C = sincsina × a = 10, from tanb = 3, SINB = 310

English translation
Please translate for me

Where do you write down the address?

The hypotenuse of a right triangle is parallel to plane α, and the angles between the straight line of the two right triangle sides and plane α are θ 1 and θ 2,
What is the relationship between the sum of the squares of θ 1 and θ 2 and the size of 1
Don't give an answer for no reason


Find past tense right antonym slowly antonym teach past tense hit past tense get present participle have past noun form play
Say past tense heavy antonym strong antonym rain noun dry antonym umbrella plural are past tense

Find past tense --- find right antonym --- wrongly antonym --- quicklyteach past tense --- thoughthit past tense --- highget present participle --- gettinghave past noun tense --- hadplay? Past tense --- playeday past tense --- saidheavy antonym --

A high school compulsory two geometry mathematics problem, hope to give answers
The triangle iron wire frame with side length of 13cm, 14cm and 15cm is put on a ball with radius of 10cm. What is the distance between the center of the ball and the plane of the triangle iron wire frame?

If three sides a, B and C of a triangle are known, then (Helen formula) (P = (a + B + C) / 2)
The triangle area = 84
Radius of inscribed circle of any triangle = 2S / (a + B + C) = 2 * 84 / 42 = 4
Distance from the center of the ball to the plane = √ (10 ^ 2-4 ^ 2) = 2 √ 21cm

There should be two tenses (past tense, present tense and present continuous tense) in ten English compositions for grade one of junior high school
The more you write, the more you get paid. (it's quantity, not words)

Here are the articles I have written or changed recently in Baidu. I have collected 10 articles for you. I hope I will be satisfied with them and hope to adopt them. Thank you
Its the Chinese New Year again. Before that, my mother took me to the shops and bought me some new clothes. We then went to my grandfather and grandmother's to have the new year's meal together. Later we all went to see the flower's market. It was so beautiful and exciting. I enjoyed that very much but the best thing to follow was: my father and mother gave me the red packets with new year's money inside of them. I like Chinese New year and I think all Children like Chinese New year too.
Birth and death are unavoidable in life. Even Benjamin couldn’t escape this law of nature. Although he and Daisy were together for such a short time, and actually—true love will never ever change. Compare with Benjamin and Daisy, we are much luckier. If they could be so happy with so little time together and we all still have eighty odd to a hundred years to squander, to waste and finally to treasure(/cherish). Certainly, we should be a lot happier than them!
Kelly is my best friend. We knew each other since middle school. And now we are studying in the same university. She gave me a surprise birthday party the other month. Today is her birthday. It is my turn to give her one back. With the help of few of my other friends. I managed to arrange a very special party for her tonight. I have already a very nice special meal ready. I have also bought her a beautiful present for her which I am sure that she would love it very much. And I have invited many of our friends to attend. I just can't wait until its dark. I would like to see her laugh and have a good time tonight.
My name is XXX. I am 21 years old from Beijing. I am cheerful and easy going. I love watching soap opera on TV but I hate news. I like to wear clothes with bright colours. I also like making friends. I have plenty of friends. I often go shopping with different ones everytime. And everyone likes to go out with me too. I am very happy and enjoy my life very much. Thank you.
I have finished my studies in my junior middle school. Now I am glad to be a student in this famous school. There are many new schoolmates and teachers. My head teacher is a middle-aged man with a pair of glasses. He is very kind to us. We all like him. All the teachers in our class can make their classes interesting and lively. We have Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry, biology, history, P.E. and computer. I like my new school and I like my new classes too. In this famous and beautiful school I hope to make many friends and able to learn a lot.
It was raining and Peter was on his way to school.He saw an old man walking with difficulty in the rain without an umbrella. Peter went up to him and offered to share the umbrella with him . The old man was in poor health,so Peter tried to hold the umbrella.But he was too short to hold it high enough.While wondered what to do , he saw the old man`s stick and had an idea.He had tied the stick to the handle of th umbrella and made it longer.Then they shared the umbrella.
In China, the food prices in the multiple fast food restaurants like KFC, Mcdonald's are always a little expensive than the small privately owned restaurants. Even they are more expensive, but prices would never be more than double. In Sydney this thing is just the opposite. For example, the Burger King in Sydney are really good restaurants for me because the prices just half to the other restaurants in the street which are not multiple shops.
I read a joke on the weibo."The so-called Olympic diving competition is just bringing the diving athletes around the world together to listen to the Chinese
national anthem repeatedly". I think this joke is interesting and pride of my country. Actually I can swim, too. But not very interested in it, and not very good at it either. Don't know why I can't open my eyes without swimming glasses under water when I was swimming, but this was never a problem when in my childhood. And I would also very much like to learn the skill of diving. I found that some people can dive into the water head over heel so easily and gracefully. But In my case, I feel stiff and my body always go sideway transversely when touching the surface of the water.
The graph illustrates changes in the amounts of some types of meat consumed in Europe from 1979 to 2004.
First of all,in 1979,beef consumption was nearly 220 grams per person per week and it was the highest one amount beef,chicken,lamb,and fish.As you can see,chicken and lamb consumptions were both approximately 150 grams.In addition,fish consumption was the least with 55 grams.
However,beef and lamb consumptions declined dramatically while fish consumption fell slightly 25 years.In contrast,chicken consumption showed an upward trend.
In 2004,chicken consumption climbed to 250 grams.After a long downward trend,beef and lamb consumptions ended up with 110 grams and 60 grams respectively. Same as before,fish consumption was still the least with 45 grams.
In a nutshell,Chicken,beef,and lamb consumptions fluctuated more or less.Yet fish
consumption was stable,though it was always the least.
I first learned English in primary school in Hong Kong, and I left Hong Kong for Englan