How to read a number RT, what is the pronunciation of 100001000? If "no matter how many zeros are in front of each level, read only one zero", then read 101 million If "zero at the end of each level is not read", read 110 million Ten thousand level is all zero, which is not only the "front" of this level, but also not the "front"; it is the "end" of this level, but also not the "end". How to deal with it? If we read according to the previous rule, we will read one trillion one thousand at 10000 one thousand, which is ridiculous

How to read a number RT, what is the pronunciation of 100001000? If "no matter how many zeros are in front of each level, read only one zero", then read 101 million If "zero at the end of each level is not read", read 110 million Ten thousand level is all zero, which is not only the "front" of this level, but also not the "front"; it is the "end" of this level, but also not the "end". How to deal with it? If we read according to the previous rule, we will read one trillion one thousand at 10000 one thousand, which is ridiculous

Rule: the zero after ten thousand, one hundred million and one trillion can not be read out. The zero of the middle digit or the beginning digit must be read out. For example, 1013000, 1013000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000, 101000

How to read number pairs
Read column or row first

It's all columns and rows, first column and then row

Let two tangent lines AP, AQ and P, Q of parabola y = x2 + 1 through moving point a (a, 0) on X-axis be tangent points. Let the slopes of tangent lines AP and AQ be K1 and K2 respectively
(1) Verification: k1k2 = - 4
(2) Verification: the line PQ constant over a fixed point, and find out the coordinates of this point
(3) Let the area of the triangle Apq be s. when s / PQ is the smallest, find the vector AQ and click the value of the vector AP

Analysis: 1) let P (x1, Y1), q (X2, Y2), PQ middle point m (XO, yo) have X1 + x2 = 2xo, Y1 + y2 = 2yo, for y = x ^ 2 + 1, y '= 2x have K1 = 2x1, K2 = 2x2. Let two tangent equations be AP: y = 2x1 (x-x1) + Y1. (1) AQ: y = 2x2 (x-x2) + Y2. (2) and Y1 = X1 ^ 2 + 1. (3) y2 = x2 ^ 2 + 1. (4)

English unit 10 vocabulary teaching video

Forgive, forgive
Me me
Excuse me
What about
Yours; yours
Name, name, name
Where is where
From; from; from rise
Be from
Canada Canada
This (that); this (that)
The U.S.A
He he
isn't=is not
England, England
Who who
He, she, they, people
aren't=are not
Then; then; then; then
Cuba Cuba
Zero Zero
One one
Two two
Three three
Four four
Five five
Make a phone call
Number; number; number
It's it

As shown in the figure, the parabola y = - x2 + 2 (M + 1) x + m + 3 intersects the x-axis at two points a and B. If OA: OB = 3:1, find the value of M______ .

Let B (- K, 0), then a (3k, 0); - K, 3K are two of the equations - x2 + 2 (M + 1) x + m + 3 = 0,; − K + 3K = 2 (M + 1) − K · 3K = − (M + 3). The solution is: M = 0 or - 53, ∵ all satisfy △ 0, as shown in the figure: if X1 and X2 are two of the equations - x2 + 2 (M + 1) x + m + 3 = 0, then x1 · x2 = - (M + 3) < 0, X1 + x2 = 2 (M + 1) > 0, when m = - 53, X1 + x2 = 2 (M + 1) = - 43 < 0, ∵ M = - 53 is not proper In this paper, we present a new method to solve the problem

Find all the natural numbers satisfying the conditions: 1. It is a 4-digit number; 2. The remainder divided by 22 is 5; 3. It is a complete square number

There are 13692601348153296561 and 9025
Corresponding to 37 * 37 51 * 51 59 * 59 73 * 73 81 * 81 95 * 95

Polar coordinate equation of parabola
How does his polar coordinate and rectangular coordinate equation transform
Is that the transformation of the coordinate equation of a circle from that of a parabola?

Polar coordinates: the point on the plane rectangular coordinate system can be represented by abscissa and ordinate. Of course, it can also be represented by other forms. The distance between a and the origin is ρ (represented by R in some books). The angle between the line between a and the origin and the positive half axis of X axis is recorded as θ. Therefore, the point on the plane rectangular coordinate system can be compared with

Calculate (XY + XY) / (x + y) (4a-12ab + 9b) / (3b-2a) (4x-6xy) / (2-3y) [(x + 3Y) - 4x] / (x + y) to solve the equation 81x-4 = 0 (X-2) = 4x-8, given X-Y = 3, xy = 2, find xy-2xy + XY

1.(xy+xy)÷(x+y) =xy(y+x))÷(x+y) =xy 2.(4a-12ab+9b)÷(3b-2a) =(2a-3b)÷(3b-2a) =-(2a-3b) 3.(4x-6xy)÷(2-3y) =2x(2-3y)÷(2-3y) = 2x 4.[(x+3y)-4x]÷(x+y) =(x+3y+2x)(x+3y-2x)÷(x+y) =3(x+y)(3y-x)÷(x+y) = 3(3y-x) 5.81x-4=0 (9x+2)(9x-2)=0 x1=-2/9,x2=2/9 6.(x-2)=4x-8 (x-2)-4(x-2)=0 (x-2)(x-2-4)=0 x1=2,x2=6 7.xy-2xy+xy =xy(x-2xy+y) =xy(x-y) =2×3 =18

Draw the image of function y = 3x-15, observe the image and answer: when x is what value, y = 0? Y > 0? Y < 0?
Second day of junior high school

When x = 5, y = 0
When x > 5, Y > 0
When x < 5, y < 0

If (x-y-3) &# 178; and | 4x-3x + 11 | are opposite numbers, then the values of X and y are

∫ (x-y-3) ² and|4x-3y + 11 are opposite numbers
∴(x-y-3)²+ |4x-3y+11|=0