


If the square of fraction a - 3A / 5A = a - 3 / 5 holds, then the value range of a is

The value range of a is a ≠ 3 and a ≠ 0

F (x) satisfies the condition f (x + 2) = 1F (x) for any real number X. if f (1) = - 5, then f (f (5)) = ()
A. -5B. −15C. 15D. 5

∵ f (x + 2) = 1F (x) ∵ f (x + 2 + 2) = 1F (x + 2) = f (x) ∵ f (x) is a function with a period of 4 ∵ f (5) = f (1 + 4) = f (1) = - 5F (f (5)) = f (- 5) = f (- 5 + 4) = f (- 1) and ∵ f (- 1) = 1F (− 1 + 2) = 1F (1) = - 15 ∵ f (f (5)) = - 15

Can K in inverse scale function image equal to zero

In general, if variables X and y are related, y = KX (k is a constant not equal to zero)

If the quotient of two rational numbers is positive, then A. sum of these two numbers is positive, B. sum is negative, C. difference is negative, D. product is positive


It is known that the M + 1 + 2 of the square of - 5 / 1 x of the square of - 5 / 1 x of the square of - 4 x to the third power + 6 is a quaternion of the sixth power, and the degree of the third power of the monomial 4.5 x is the fifth power of y-n
With the same degree of this polynomial, find the square of M + the square of n

It's a hexanomic quaternion
So the number of the first term is 2 + m + 1 = 6
The monomial is also 6 times
So 3 + 5-N = 6
So M & # 178; + n & # 178; = 9 + 4 = 13

The solution of univariate cubic equation x ^ 3-x ^ 2-2 = 0!
If you can't solve it, you need a root sign, and you don't need a string of decimals
If A1 = 2, a4-a3 = 4, then q =?

We can only use the Geometer's Sketchpad to find the approximate x = 1.7
[[not clear, ask again; satisfied, good luck to you!]]

Given that the solution set of inequality | MX + 1 | 5 is - 2 | x | 3, find the value of M
I calculated M = - 2

According to the meaning of the title
X = - 2 and x = 3 are solutions of the equation | MX + 1 | = 5
X = - 2
-2m = - 6 or 4
M = 3 or - 2
X = 3
3M = - 6 or 4
M = 4 / 3 or - 2
So m = - 2

Use calculator to calculate the approximate values of √ 7 and √ 70; according to the data provided above, without calculator, please estimate the approximate values of the following numbers directly:

√7=2.64575 √70=8.3666
√0.07=√(0.01×7)= (√0.01) ×√7=0.1×2.64575=0.264575
√0.7=√(0.01×70)= (√0.01) ×√70=0.1×8.3666=0.83666
√700=√(100×7)= (√100) ×√7=10×2.64575=26.4575
√700000=√(10000×70)= (√10000) ×√70=100×8.3666=836.66

How to solve the quadratic equation of one variable
The square of X - 16x + 60 = 0
(by factorization)

X = 10 or x = 6