The store bought a batch of 25 cases of drinks, sold 6 cases and 8 bottles on the first day, and there were 220 bottles left. How many bottles are there in all?

The store bought a batch of 25 cases of drinks, sold 6 cases and 8 bottles on the first day, and there were 220 bottles left. How many bottles are there in all?

300 bottles

(1 + a) (1-A) + (A-2 Square), a = half

A = 1 / 2
Original formula = 1 / 5-4x2
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I drink Coca Cola in the desert, sing karaoke, ride a lion, drive ants, and answer questions for you with a keyboard in my hand!

The distance between city a and city B is 732 km. A bus from city a to city B is 90 km per hour, and a truck from city B to city a is 75 km / h. After 5 hours, the distance is 1000 km

(90 + 75) * 5 is greater than 732,;
So two cars have crossed
The answer is 90 * 5 - (732-75 * 5) = 93 km

Solve the equation about X: ax-23 = 2b-4x (a ≠ - 12)

Remove the denominator to get AX-2 = 6b-12x, transfer the term, merge the similar terms to get, (a + 12) x = 6B + 2, change the coefficient of X to 1 to get x = 6B + 2A + 12

A and B start at the same time from AB and go opposite each other. The speed of car a is 80% of that of car B. four hours later, they meet 40 kilometers away from the midpoint. Ask a and B
How many kilometers is the distance between them,

If you want to draw a picture of this problem, you can see it at a glance: the fast train runs 40 × 2 = 80 km more than the slow train
If the speed of car B is 1, then car a is 80%, that is, 4 / 5, then the fast car runs more than the slow car by 1-4 / 5 = 1 / 5
So: 80 △ 1 / 5 = 400 km, find out the distance of car B
400 × (1 + 4 / 5) = 720km, calculate the distance between the two places

The equation 2x-1 / 3 = - X / 3 + 2 is obtained by multiplying both sides by 3?


Car a and car B travel from two places 450 kilometers apart and meet each other in five hours. Car a's speed is 1.5 times that of car B's. how many kilometers can car B travel per hour?
What's the formula


For a two place decimal, move its decimal point one place to the right, and subtract it from the two place decimal. The result is 11.52


A truck and a bus, starting from a and B, meet 80 kilometers away from the midpoint. The speed ratio of truck and bus is 4:5
A freight car and a passenger car, starting from the two places opposite each other, meet 80 kilometers away from the midpoint. The speed ratio of the freight car and the passenger car is 4:5. How many kilometers is the distance between the two places?

When the speed ratio of the truck and bus is 4:5, the distance ratio when they meet is 4:5
When they met, the lorry went full length
4 ÷ (4 + 5) = 4 / 9
The whole length is
80 (1 / 2-4 / 9) = 1440 (km)

Is there a real number m so that the equations x2 + MX + 1 = 0 and X2 + 2mx + 3 = 0 have the same root? If so, find the value of M and solve the two equations;
If not, give reasons

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