The number a is 10% more than the number B, the number B is 20% more than the number C, and the number a is several percent more than the number C?

The number a is 10% more than the number B, the number B is 20% more than the number C, and the number a is several percent more than the number C?

The ratio of number a to number B is: (1 + 10%): 1 = 11:10 = 33:30, the ratio of number B to number C is: (1 + 20%): 1 = 6:5 = 30:25, how many percent more than number C: (33-25) △ 25 = 32%

A non-zero number, either positive or negative, judge right or wrong

Yes, there are only positive numbers, negative numbers and 0 in high school, not 0, only positive numbers or negative numbers

The greatest common factor of a and B is 5, and the least common multiple is 120. Given that a is 120, how much is B?
Today's home work, quick answer?

Because the product of the greatest common factor and the least common multiple is the product of these two numbers, 5 times 120 equals 600, and then 600 divided by 120 equals 5, so the number B is 5

The right side of an isosceles right triangle is 5DM, and its area is___ .

5 × 5 △ 2 = 12.5 (square decimeter) answer: its area is 12.5 square decimeter. So the answer is: 12.5 square decimeter

3 / 4 of a number is equal to 2 / 3 of B number. The ratio of a number to B number is ()
We know that five parts of X is equal to four parts of Y, and X and y are in proportion

Excuse me, three quarters of the number a is equal to two thirds of the number B & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 2. X and y are in direct proportion
Let a be a and B be B & nbsp; then
The ratio of a to B is 8:9

Let a be a square matrix of order n, it is proved that the homogeneous linear equations AX = 0 and (a ^ t) AX = O are the same solution equations

A is the real square matrix
Proof: a '= a ^ t
(1) Let X1 be the solution of AX = 0, then ax1 = 0
So a'ax1 = a '(ax1) = a'0 = 0
So X1 is the solution of a'ax = 0
So the solution of AX = 0 is the solution of a'ax = 0
(2) Let x2 be the solution of a'ax = 0, then a'ax2 = 0
Multiply x2'left by both sides of the equation to get x2'a'ax2 = 0
So we have (AX2) '(AX2) = 0
So AX2 = 0
So X2 is the solution of AX = 0
So the solution of a'ax = 0 is the solution of AX = 0
In conclusion, the homogeneous linear equations AX = 0 and a'ax = O are the same solution

It takes 5 hours for Party A and 4 hours for Party B to process a part. The efficiency of Party A is lower than that of Party B ()
A. 15B. 14C. 120D. 1

(14 − 15) △ 14 = 120 × 4 = 15, a: the work efficiency of a is 15 times lower than that of B


The specific title is like this. Thank you


There are several tons of grain in warehouse A and warehouse B. if 10% of the grain in warehouse A is taken out and put into warehouse B, the weight of grain in warehouse A and warehouse B is exactly the same______ :______ .

1: (1-10% × 2), = 1:0.8, = 5:4

X2 + 16 / 7x-15 / 7 = 0 to solve the equation

X2 + 16 / 7x-15 / 7 = 0 to solve the equation
X = 5 / 7 or x = - 3
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