Find 847 to the 29th power of the number of digits

Find 847 to the 29th power of the number of digits

It's 7 because it ends with the power of 7 and circulates in the order of 7, 9, 3 and 1

Find the 128 power of 28 to the 29 power of 29

The first power of 28 is 8, the second power of 28 is 4, the third power of 28 is 2, the fourth power of 28 is 6, the fifth power of 28 is 8 That's 8, 4, 2, 6, 8, 4, 2, 6 Therefore, the 128 power number of 28 is 6. Similarly, the 29 power number of 29 is 9 and the subtraction is 7

The following statement is correct: a positive integer and negative integer are collectively referred to as rational number, B integer
The following statement is correct: A is a positive integer, B is a natural number, C 0 is the smallest rational number, D is a positive fraction, and negative fractions are fractions

A error, and 0
B error, negative integer is not a natural number
C error, and the negative number is smaller than 0
D correct

Solving the extremum and extremum of function f (x) = x & # 178; · e ^ - x

Then f '(x) = 2x * e ^ (- x) - X & # 178; * e ^ (- x) = x (2-x) * e ^ (- x)
Let f '(x) = 0, then x = 0 or x = 2
The extremum of function f (x) is obtained by x = 0 or x = 2
The extremum is f (0) = 0, f (2) = 4 * e ^ (- 2)

L the product of two prime numbers is the reciprocal of one tenth. What are these two numbers?

2 and 5. This is very simple. The product of two numbers is 10. 10 =? Only 2 and 5 can satisfy? So the answer is 2 and 5


(X-Y + 2) ^ 2 (x ^ y is the Y power of x)

The number of zeros of function f (x) = - x ^ 3 + x-lgx

Draw a picture to solve the problem. I can't solve the equation yet. Move the equation and change it to: lgx = - x ^ 3 + X
That is: lgx = x (1 + x) (1-x)
The left side is logarithmic function, increasing, the right side is cubic function, and the three roots are 0, - 1,1 respectively. The image is an inverse n. from the image, we know that there is a solution, that is, x = 1, that is, the number of zeros of the original function is 1?

Given the parabola y = x ^ 2 + MX + 2m-m ^ 2, the corresponding M values are obtained according to the following conditions
1) The minimum value of parabola is - 1
2) The distance between the two intersections of the parabola and the X axis is four times the root sign three
3) The vertex of the parabola is on the line y = 2x + 1
4) The ordinate of the intersection of parabola and Y axis is - 3

The minimum value of parabola is - 1y = x ^ 2 + MX + 2m-m ^ 2 = x ^ 2 + MX + 2m-m ^ 2 / 4 + 2m-m ^ 2 = (x + m / 2) ^ 2-5M ^ 2 / 4 + 2m-5m ^ 2 / 4 + 2m = - 15m ^ 2-8m-4 = 0 (5m + 2) (m-2) = 0m = - 2 / 5m = 22) parabola and x-axis

Given that the parabola y = x2 + BX + C passes through a (1, - 4) B (- 2,5), the parabola expression, the axis of symmetry and the vertex coordinates are obtained

Point a (1, - 4) B (- 2,5) is obtained by substituting
The solution is b = - 2, C = - 3
So the analytic formula is y = x ^ 2-2x-3 = (x-1) ^ 2-4
The axis of symmetry is x = 1, and the vertex coordinates are (1, - 4)

One by one and half plus two by one-third plus three by one-quarter all the way up to 49 by One-Fifty

=(1/1-1/2)+(1/2-1/3)+(1/3-1/4)+…… +(1/49-1/50)
Middle positive and negative offset