0.3x + 0.2y/0.4x-0.1y does not change the value of the fraction, and the coefficients of the numerator and denominator in the fraction are changed into integers

0.3x + 0.2y/0.4x-0.1y does not change the value of the fraction, and the coefficients of the numerator and denominator in the fraction are changed into integers


The coefficients of fraction 0.5x-0.2y / (x / 3) + 2Y are changed into integers


Without changing the value of the fraction, the coefficients of the numerator denominator of the fraction 0.2x + 0.5y △ 0.03x-0.6y are converted into integers


If XY in the fraction 2x + 0.5y/0.4xy is doubled, then the value of the fraction is ()
A constant B 2 times C 1 / 4 times d 1 / 2 times the answer is C why acridine

2*2x+0.5*2y/2x*2y=2(2x+0.5y)/4(0.4xy )=1/2*[2x+0.5y/0.4xy ]
So, it's 1 / 2 of the original formula

2007 National Day is on Monday, 2008 National Day is on what day?


The formula of the law of multiplicative distribution?

The law of distribution by multiplication: adding two numbers and multiplying another number is equal to multiplying this number with two addends respectively, and then adding two products, the result remains unchanged
Denoted by letters: (a + b) x C = AXC + bxc
There is another expression: a (B + C) = AB + AC

A number is divided by 100 and multiplied by 1000. The result is 18.9 larger than the original number. What is the original number,

Let the original number be X,
Then (x / 100) * 1000 = x + 18.9
The original number was 2.1

Simple mathematics, quick formula
The formula of quadratic radical Division

Multiplication and division of quadratic radical
1 algorithm
√a/b=√a /√b(a≥0,b>0)
2 conjugate factor
If the product of two algebraic formulas containing radical no longer contains radical, then the two algebraic formulas are called conjugate factor, also called rational radical

Is 24 equal to? Is 18 equal to? Is 20 equal to? Is 108 equal to? Is 27 equal to? Is 28 equal to?


The square of a - 2Ab + 2 (the square of B) + 4A + 8 = 0, find the value of ab
