What's the difference between 8 and 27?

What's the difference between 8 and 27?

two hundred and sixteen

What's 12 out of 27 and 6 out of 13?

12 out of 27 = 4 out of 9
9 and 13 are coprime
So the denominator is 9 × 13 = 117
12 out of 27 = 52 out of 117
6 out of 13 = 54 out of 117

8 / 9 to 1 / 3 equals x to 8 / 3 to find the unknown X

Eight ninths to one third is x to eight thirds

Simplification! 1, √ - 8a3 2, a × √ - 1 / a 3, √ 4AB / a √ B-B √ a 4, √ 2a-2b / a divided by √ A-B / 2a2b
"√" is the root sign and / "is the fractional line

1、√-8a3 =2a√-2a
3、√4ab/a√b-b√a =2b-b√a
4. Divide √ 2a-2b / a by √ A-B / 2a2b = [1 / a √ 2A (a-b)] / [1 / 2Ab √ AB (a-b)] = √ 2 / (1 / b √ b) = B √ 2 / √ B = √ 2B

Fill the numbers 1-8 in the circle in the figure below, so that the sum of the five numbers on the two Pentagon is equal to 21

Observation number: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, from small to large, the meaning of the title makes the sum of five numbers on two pentagons equal to 21, 7 and 8 can not be together, assuming that 8 is on the right side of the Pentagon, according to the principle of combining large numbers and decimals, 8 and 1 are on one side, so 1 is on the right side, and the right side is still 12

1、3x-2y+20=0,2x+15y-3=0 2、2y-8=-x,4x+3y=7

3x-2y=-20 (1)
2x+15y=3 (2)
Dai Hui (1) de
4x+3y=7 (2)
Substituting (1) into (2) yields,
Substitute (1) to get

132 1 / 130 times 1 / 131


If m, n satisfies m + 2 + (n-4) &# 178; = 0, then can you factorize the algebraic formula (X & # 178; + Y & # 178;) - (MXY + n)?

Let {m + 2 = 0
That is {M = - 2, n = 4

Is the simple calculation of 18 × 0.56-8 × 1% simple?

No. 10

The area ratio of the triangle and the square is 4:9, the side length of the square is 6cm, and how high is the triangle?

The area of a square is 6 × 6 = 36 square centimeters
The area of an equilateral triangle is 4 / 9 × 36 = 16 square centimeters
Let the side length of an equilateral triangle be X
Root 3 / 4x2 = 16
The fourth root of x = 8 / 3
The height is: the root of root 3 / 2 × 8 / 3 = 4 times the root of 3