General score! 1 / 2x-2,1 / (x-1) ^ 2

General score! 1 / 2x-2,1 / (x-1) ^ 2

The denominator is 2 (x-1) & 178;

Given that G (x) = - x times x-3, f (x) is a quadratic function, and f (x) + G (x) is an odd function, if the minimum value of F (x) is 1, find the analytic expression of F (x)

Is an odd function, there is no quadratic term and constant term
The minimum value is - (B / 2) ^ 2 + 3 = 1

Given that G (x) = - x ^ 2-3, f (x) is a quadratic function, and f (x) + G (x) is an odd function. If the minimum value of F (x) is 1, find the analytic expression of F (x)

It is known that G (x) = - X & # 178; - 3, f (x) is a quadratic function, and f (x) + G (x) is an odd function. If the minimum value of F (x) is 1, find the analytic expression of F (x)
Let f (x) = a (x-m) ² + 1, (a > 0)
It is known that f (x) = f (x) + G (x) = a (x-m) &# 178; + 1-x & # 178; - 3 = (A-1) x & # 178; - 2amx + am & # 178; - 2 are odd functions, so we have
So A-1 = - (A-1), 2A = 2, a = 1;
Am & # 178; - 2 = - am & # 178; + 2,2am & # 178; = 4, M & # 178; = 2, M = ± √ 2
So f (x) = (x ± √ 2) & # 178; + 1 = x & # 178; ± 2 (√ 2) x + 3

What is a & # 179; + 3A & # 178; + 3A + 2

Original formula = A & # 179; + 2A & # 178; + A & # 178; + 2A + A + 2

The molar mass of copper is m, the density is p, the Avogadro number is Na, the mass and volume of the atom are calculated, and the diameter of the same atom is estimated

The mass of 1,1 mol copper is mg
The atomic number of 1mol copper is Avogadro, and the Changshu number is Na
So the mass of the atom is m / Na
2. Atomic volume v = m / (p * Na)
3. The diameter can be calculated by volume formula

A new operation "*": X * y = (1 / XY) + (1 / x + 1) + (1 / y + a) is defined. If 2 * 1 = 4 / 3, then a = (). 2005 * 2006 = ()


What is the resistance of a conductor with a voltage of 12V at both ends and a current of 0.2A passing through it? What is the resistance of a conductor with a voltage of 6V at both ends
And the current

Previous question: the resistance obtained from R = u / I is r = 12 / 0.2 = 60 Ω
The resistance is constant, so when the voltage at both ends is 6 V, the resistance is 60 ohm

(2 + 2 / 3) = 2 √ 2 / 3, √ (3 + 3 / 8) = 3 √ 3 / 8, please use the formula of natural number n (n is greater than 1) to express the law you guess


The bulb is marked with "6v3w". The power supply voltage is 9V, and the resistance of rheostat R is 12 ohm. 1 when the rheostat turns into the circuit
The light bulb is marked with "6v3w". The power supply voltage is 9V, and the resistance of rheostat R is 12 ohm. Q. 1 when the rheostat is turned into the circuit, the small light bulb will light normally
2. What is the actual power of the bulb when the slider slides to the rightmost end

The resistance of the bulb is r = u & # / P = 12 Ω,
The lamp normally emits light, i.e. the voltage at both ends is 6V, i.e. 9 * 12 / (12 + R) = 6
R = 6 Ω, that is to say, the 6 Ω bulb will light normally
At the right end, the resistance of the sliding rheostat is 12 Ω
The current of the circuit is I = u / r = 9 / (12 + 12) = 0.375a
The actual power of the bulb is p = I & # 178; * r = 1.69w

How to solve the equation 24x-8x = 28.8
