Is the constant term a monomial

Is the constant term a monomial

Constant term is a monomial, and concept: a single letter or number is a monomial

Is 2 a constant or a monomial

Look where it is. It's a monomial

Does the degree of a monomial include a constant
Thank you very much


Is 1 / 2-x a monomial? If x is a constant, is 1 / 2 + 3 a monomial?
What about π - 1?

1 / 2-x, (1-x) / 2 are not monomials! The letter X here means that it can represent any number, but not a specific number. 1 / 2 + 3 is a monomials. A single letter or number is also a monomials (except 0). Monomials: the formula obtained by multiplying a number by a letter or a letter by a letter for a limited number of times!

It is known that the equation x ^ 2-2x + k = 0 (k is an integer) about X has a smaller root of x0 and - 1 < x0 < 0 to find the value of integer K

According to the root formula, x = 1 √ (1-k),
The smaller root is x = 1 - √ (1-k),

How to calculate 100-99.9?


What's the answer to grade 9 math exercise 24.4?

It's the right triangle
(1) rotating around AC, we get a cone with height of 3, bottom radius of 4, generatrix of 5, bottom perimeter of 8 π, area of 16 π, cone side area of 5 × 8 π / 2 = 20 π, and total area of 20 π + 16 π = 36 π
(2) rotating around BC, we get a cone with height of 4, bottom radius of 3, generatrix of 5, bottom perimeter of 6 π, bottom area of 9 π, cone side area of 5 × 6 π / 2 = 15 π, and total area of 15 π + 9 π = 24 π
(3) two conic combinations are obtained by rotating around ab. it is easy to get from double vertical triangles. The height of AB side of ABC hypotenuse of RT triangle is 2.4, and the two segments of high hypotenuse are 1.8 and 3.2, so the height of upper conic is 1.8, the radius of bottom is 2.4, the height of lower conic is 3.2, the radius of bottom is 2.4, and the perimeter of bottom is 4.8 π, so the area of upper conic side is 3 × 4.8 π / 2 = 7.2 π, the area of lower conic side is 4 × 4.8 π / 2 = 9.2 π, and the total area is 16.4 π

The price of a commodity is increased by 1 / 10 and then decreased by 1 / 10. The current price is () of the original price
One third of 120 is 300

The current price is (1 + 1 / 10) * (1-1 / 10) = 99% of the original price
1 / 3 of 120 is 120 * 1 / 3 of 300 △ 300 = 2 / 15

If the domain of function f (x) is [1,4], find the domain of function f (x 2)

Because the domain of definition of function y = f (x) is [1,4], 1 ≤ x2 ≤ 4 in function y = f (x2), that is - 2 ≤ x ≤ - 1 or 1 ≤ x ≤ 2. The domain of definition of the function is: [- 2, - 1] ∪ [1,2]

Use the method of addition, subtraction and elimination to solve the following equations 2x-3y = 5 ① 3x-2y = 7 ②

① - 5Y = 1 for * 3 - ② * 2
So y = - 1 / 5
The solution is x = 11 / 5
So the solution of the equations is {x = 11 / 5, y = - 1 / 5
If you don't understand, I wish you a happy study!