Given that a is a rational number, the equation ||||||- a | = 1 / 2 has three unequal solutions. Find the value of A

Given that a is a rational number, the equation ||||||- a | = 1 / 2 has three unequal solutions. Find the value of A

|X | is nonnegative. If there are three unequal solutions, A-1 / 2 = 0, then a = 1 / 2

If the solution of the equation | a | x = | a + 1 | - X of X is x = 0, then the value of a is zero______ If the solution of the equation | a | x = | a + 1 | - X of X is x = 1, then the value range of rational number a is______ .

(1) The solution of the equation 124124;|||a 124;a + 1 | = 0, the solution is: a = -1; (2) 124 + 1-x solution is x = 0, so the solution of x = 0 is x = 0, so the x = 0, so the x = 0, and the x = 1 is the solution of the equation: whena ≤ - 1, the equation can be reduced to: - a = - A- The range of rational number a is: a ≥ 0. So the answer is: a ≥ 0

The solution of the equation | a | x = | a + 1 | - X of X is 1, so what is the range of rational number a?
The square (1-x) = ax + 1 of the solution to the equation a with respect to X
If the equation | x + 1 | - | x-3 | = a about X has infinite solutions, then the value of parameter a satisfies the condition?
Find the equation | - x-3 | - 2 | = 0 (1

We know that x = 1 and substitute it into the original equation
=>(1) When a ≥ 0, a = a + 1 - 1, the equation holds
(2) When (a + 1) ≥ 0 and a from (1) (2) (3): the range of rational number a is a ≥ 0

A cylinder with a height of 5cm is sawed into two pieces along the diameter of its bottom surface, and its surface area is increased by 40cm2. What is the original volume of the cylinder?

The increase of surface area is the area of two rectangles = 2 × bottom diameter × height = 2 × bottom diameter × 5 = 40 square centimeter
Bottom diameter = 40 / (2 × 5) = 4cm
Radius = 4 / 2 = 2 cm
The original volume of this cylinder is 3.14 × 2 × 2 × 5 = 62.8 cubic centimeter



Given the function f (x) = (x2 + ax + a) E-X, (a is a constant, e is the base of natural logarithm); (I) if the function f (x) has the minimum value when x = 0, try to determine the value range of a; (II) under the condition of (I), let the function composed of the maximum value of F (x) be g (x), try to judge that the curve g (x) can only be connected with the straight line 2x-3y + M = 0, 3x-2y + n = 0 (m, n is the determined constant) Which of the two lines is tangent, and explain the reason

(I) f '(x) = (2x + a) e-x-e-x (x2 + ax + a) = E-X [- x2 + (2-A) x] = E-X · (- x) · [x - (2-A)], Let f' (x) = 0, then x = 0 or X = 2-a. when a = 2, f '(x) = - x2e-x ≤ 0 is constant, then f (x) decreases monotonically; when a < 2, f' (x) < 0, 2-A > 0, if

Under standard conditions, the density of oxygen is 1.429 g / L, and what is the volume of air containing 16 g oxygen?

The volume of oxygen accounts for about 20% of the volume of air. What is the volume of air with 16 grams of oxygen
16 / 1.429 △ 20% = 55.98l

a> B, and a and B are natural numbers
(1) Seeking 8o6
(2) If MO5 = 27, find the value of M


It takes 18 minutes for Xiaoli to go from home to the shopping center through the amusement park. If she goes directly from home to the shopping center at the same speed, it can save () minutes for Xiaoli to go from home to the shopping center through the amusement park

Xiaoli takes 18 minutes from home to the shopping center. How many minutes can she save if she goes directly from home to the shopping center at the same speed? (scale: 1:20000) the distance between Xiaoli's home and the amusement park is 3cm, the distance between the amusement park and the shopping center is 1.5cm, and the distance between the shopping center and Xiaoli's home is 2cm
Distance is proportional to time, so from 18: (3 + 1.5) = x: 2, x = 8
So you can save 18-8 = 10 minutes

Is a light year distance or time
Does a light year mean distance or time?

In astronomy, light year is the unit of distance, which means the distance that light travels in a year. The speed of light is 300000 kilometers per second, and it can walk 25.92 billion kilometers a day, which is 365 times of the length of a year