1. We know that x = 2, 2nx + 5Y = m, y = 1 is the system of equations, nx-my = 1. Help us 1. Given that x = 2, 2nx + 5Y = m, y = 1 is the solution of the system of equations nx-my = 1, then the value of m-4n is_____ 2. If x + y = 3, X-Y = 1, X-my = 2 and nx-y = 2 have the same solution, find the value of M and n

1. We know that x = 2, 2nx + 5Y = m, y = 1 is the system of equations, nx-my = 1. Help us 1. Given that x = 2, 2nx + 5Y = m, y = 1 is the solution of the system of equations nx-my = 1, then the value of m-4n is_____ 2. If x + y = 3, X-Y = 1, X-my = 2 and nx-y = 2 have the same solution, find the value of M and n

1.-43 2.m=0 n=1.5

Given that x = 2, y = 1 are the solutions of the equations, x + NY = m, NX my = 4, then the value of the second power of m-4n is

So m-4n & # 178;

How many kilos is 9 out of 40 tons


The average length of Xiaodong is 0.4 meters. The playground on his side is 175 steps long and 105 steps wide. How many square meters is the playground?
In order to celebrate the national day, a primary school makes a right triangle small colored flag with a bottom of 0.25 meters and a height of 0.12 meters. How many square meters of colored paper does it need to make 500 such small colored flags? A piece of land is similar to a parallelogram with a bottom of 85.5 meters and a height of 24 meters. How many square meters is the area of this land?

Playground area (0.4 * 175) (0.4 * 105) = 2940 square meters
At least 0.25 * 0.12 / 2 * 500 = 7.5 square meters
85.5 * 24 = 2052 M2

Two sides of a triangle are 3cm and 10cm long, and the third side is even

The third side could be 8 10 12
So the perimeter could be 21 23 25
If my answer can solve your problem, if you have any further questions, thank you for your support

Calculation: (2-A) (a + 2) = the square of 2-A?


As shown in the figure, all of them are triangle shaped patterns composed of several potted flowers. What is the total number of flowerpots required for the nth pattern in the group?
* * *
* * * * * *
* * * * * *
* * * *

The first pattern: 1 + 2 = 3,
The second pattern: 1 + 2 + 3 = 6,
The third pattern: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10
So the nth pattern: 1 + 2 + 3 +... + n = (1 + n) * n / 2

Common plants in Science (3)
1. Human breathing - nostrils are on the head. Does the breathing mouth of all animals injured by fire on the land have to be on the head? Xiao Ming studied where the breathing mouth of locust is on the body. Please help him to complete the research activities together
What part of the body is the locust's spiracle?
Hypothesis: ()
Design experiment: several live grasshoppers were divided into two groups: group A and group B. the head of group A was immersed in water, and the thorax and abdomen of group B were immersed in water
Mobile phone facts and evidence: after a period of time, group a locusts are still alive, group B locusts all died
Conclusion: ()
2. Make a hypothesis: many crops are sown after the climate turns warm in spring, and it is not suitable to sow when the weather is cold and the ground is frozen. Therefore, we can make a hypothesis that the environment of seed germination is ()

Reduction of XY2 · (- XY) 2

-4X square y square

A primary school has a swimming pool 60m long and 40m wide. The plan drawn by scale () is the largest and the plan drawn by scale () is the smallest
A.1:2000 B.1:1500 C.1:1000

A primary school has a swimming pool 60m long and 40m wide. The plan drawn by scale (c) is the largest, and the plan drawn by scale (a) is the smallest