No matter m is a real number, the intersection of the line y = x + 2M and the line y = - x + 4 cannot be in the third quadrant of a and the fourth quadrant of B

No matter m is a real number, the intersection of the line y = x + 2M and the line y = - x + 4 cannot be in the third quadrant of a and the fourth quadrant of B

The third quadrant, because the line y = - x + 4 you draw passes through the first, second and fourth quadrants, but does not pass through the third quadrant, so the intersection can not appear in the third quadrant

If the definition domain of odd function f (x) = xcosx + C is [a, b], then a + B + C=

Because f (x) is an odd function
So f (0) = 0
So C = 0
Because f (x) is an odd function, the domain of function is [a, b]
So a + B = 0
So a + B + C = 0

3.2-2 (x-1.8) = 0.6 solution
Fang Chengjie


The major axis is on the y-axis, the distance between the guide lines is 36, the distance between a point on the ellipse and the two focal points is 9 and 5 respectively

According to the meaning of the title, we can draw a conclusion
The distance between the two lines is 2A & sup2 / C = 36
The sum of the distances from the point on the ellipse to the two focal points is 2A = 9 + 5 = 14
The elliptic equation is as follows:
That is 324x & sup2 / 13475 + Y & sup2 / 49 = 1

How to solve (X-2) * 180 + 360 / x = 5234

The square of 180X - 360x + 360 = 5234x
The square of 180X - 5594x + 360 = 0
The square of X - 2797 / 90x + 2 = 0
The solution is X1 = x2=

Why is cos 20 ° equal to sin40 ° / (2sin20 °)

Sum angle formula
So cosa = sin2a / (2sina)
So cos20 = sin40 / (2sin20)

The number of 30 is 120, which is more than 3 / 5 of a number. To solve the equation, 1 / 3 of a number is less than 3 / 4 of 24
Four out of seven of a number is three out of two more than one out of two?
The product of 7 and 2.4 is equal to the product of 0.8 and a number?
The above equations also need to be solved

Let this number be X
4/7 x-1/2 x=3/2
8/14 x-7/14 x=3/2
1/14 x=3/2
Let this number be X

What part plus what part plus what part equals 11 out of 18?


How to solve the equation 3x-42 = x + 42?


Given the proposition p: any x ∈ [1,2], x ^ 2-A ≥ 0. Proposition q: there is a x0 ∈ r such that x0 ^ 2 + 2ax0 + 2-A = 0. P and Q is true, find the value range of real number a

The meaning of this problem is to find the common solution of proposition p and Q;
Proposition p: x ^ 2 > = a because x ∈ [1,2], so a = 0
In conclusion, when a satisfies (negative infinity, - 2] or a = 1, P and Q are true propositions