Solving the equation (a + 1) x / 2 - (x + 6) / 6 = (3x + b) / 2 + X / 3 (a is not equal to 3)

Solving the equation (a + 1) x / 2 - (x + 6) / 6 = (3x + b) / 2 + X / 3 (a is not equal to 3)

X = B + 2 / A-3 (a is not equal to 3)

It is known that the solutions of the equations ax by = 4 (1) 3x + y = 8 (2) and ax + by = 2 (3) 2x-y about X and y are the same, and the value of AB is obtained
Help me!

From the solution of 3x + y = 8 and 2x-y = - 3, we get x = 1, y = 5, and substitute ax by = 4 and ax + by = 2, respectively
The solution is a = 3, B = - 1 / 5

What is the sum of the natural numbers of 1000 (including 1 and 1000)?


The distance between a and B is 240 km. The bus runs from city a to city B at the speed of 40 km per hour. One hour later, the bus runs from city B to city A,
After another two hours, the two cars met. How many kilometers does the truck travel per hour

The distance between a and B is 240 kilometers. The passenger car drives from a city to B city at the speed of 40 kilometers per hour. One hour later, the freight car drives from B city to a city. After two hours, the two cars meet. How many kilometers does the freight car travel per hour

In the pentagonal ABCDE, ∠ a + ∠ C = 240 ゜, ∠ C = ∠ d = ∠ e = 2 ∠ B, find the degree of ∠ B

The sum of the inner angles of the Pentagon ABCDE is (5-2) × 180 = 540 degree. If ∠ B = x °, then ∠ C = ∠ d = ∠ e = 2 ∠ B = 2x degree, ∫ a + ∠ C = 240 °

A car delivers goods to the mountain area, 42 kilometers per hour, 67 hours to arrive. It only takes 34 hours to return from the original road, how many kilometers per hour on average?

42 × 67 ÷ 34 = 36 × 43 = 48 (km / h). A: when returning, the average distance is 48 km / h

If a is a rational number, compare a with 1 / A

Graphic combination:
When x > 1 or - 1

There are two trains, the fast train is 160m long and the slow train is 200 long. The two trains run in opposite directions at the same time, and it takes four seconds from meeting to leaving. If they run in the same time, the fast train is slower than the slow train
It takes 10 seconds for two cars to travel at the same speed

Set the fast speed X and the slow speed y, and the speed unit is m / s
According to your question stem:
Through the solution, we can get the conclusion

The Cartesian coordinates of X & # 178; - Y & # 178; = 16 are transformed into polar equations

There is a batch of goods to be shipped away. Two fifths of the total goods will be shipped away on the first day, five eighths on the second day, and another 28 tons on the third day
How many tons are there in total

2 / 5 times 5 / 8 = 1 / 4
28 divided by 7 / 20 = 80 tons