3x-1.45 = 2x + 1.45 (solving equation)

3x-1.45 = 2x + 1.45 (solving equation)

The solution is 3x-1.45 = 2x + 1.45
Transfer of items
If 3x-2x = 1.45 + 1.45, then the solution is x = 2.9

Given that x = 2 is the solution of the equation AX + 3 = - 3-x about X, find the value of 3 (a + 1) ^ 2-3a ^ 2

Substituting x = 2 into ax + 3 = - 3-x

13. Given that (x-1 / 2) &# 178; = 0 is the solution of the equation 5A + 12x = 1 / 2 + X, what is the solution of the equation AX + 2 = a (1-2x) about x?

From (x-1 / 2) ² = 0, x = 1 / 2
Substituting 5A + 12x = 1 / 2 + X
Substituting ax + 2 = a (1-2x)
If you don't know, ask again

There are 585 parts produced by Party A, Party B and Party C. the number of parts produced by Party A is 4 / 5 of that of Party B, and the number of parts produced by Party B is 8 / 9 of that of Party C. the number of parts produced by Party A, Party B and Party C is 3
How many parts are produced? We need formula, not equation

Hello: C is B's 1 △ 8 / 9 = 9 / 8 B 585 ^ (4 / 5 + 1 + 9 / 8) = 585 ^ (0.8 + 1 + 1.125) = 585 ^ (2.925 = 200 a 200x4 / 5 = 160 C 585-160-200 = 225 if you don't understand this question, please follow up if you are satisfied. If you have any other questions, please adopt this question and send it separately

If 5x + y = 1 / 2 of 7x + 10Y, then x / Y=

Under cross multiplication, 10x + 2Y = 7x + 10Y 3x = 7Y X / y = 7 / 3

During the earthquake relief, in order to ensure the safety of stored grain, the Grain Bureau of a county decided to transfer all the grain from warehouse A and warehouse B to warehouse A and warehouse B. It is known that there are 100 tons of grain in warehouse A and 80 tons of grain in warehouse B. the capacity of warehouse a is 70 tons and that of warehouse B is 110 tons. The distance and freight from warehouse A and warehouse B to warehouse A and warehouse B are as follows: (in the table)“ Yuan / ton · kilometer "means RMB required to transport 1 kilometer per ton of grain) distance (kilometer) freight (yuan / ton · kilometer) a warehouse B warehouse a warehouse 20 15 12 12 b warehouse 25 20 10 8 (1) if warehouse a transports x tons of grain to warehouse A, please write down the functional relationship between the total freight y (yuan) and X (tons) of grain transported to warehouse A and warehouse B; (2) when warehouse A and warehouse B transports x tons of grain to warehouse A and warehouse B, what is the most economical total freight?

(1) If x tons of grain are transported from warehouse A to warehouse B (100-x), from warehouse B to warehouse A (70-x) and from warehouse B to warehouse B (10 + x), then x ≥ 0100 − x ≥ 070 − x ≥ 010 + X ≥ 0. The solution is 0 ≤ x ≤ 70. Y = 12 × 20x + 10 × 25 (100-x) + 12 × 15 (70-x) + 8

An unknown number algorithm, such as x + 7x = 368, how to calculate x, write out the detailed steps of how much x equals, and how to get X,

X+7X=368 8X=368 x=368÷8

A mathematical problem, solving (simple calculation)

The simple way to solve this problem is: you add and subtract after each number. For example, add 1 / 320 to the position of 319 / 320, and then subtract 1 / 320
1/5-1/10-1/20-1/40-1/80-1/160-1/320 =
1/10-1/20-1/40-1/80-1/160-1/320 =

If the common ratio of an is 1 / 2 and the sum of the first n terms is Sn, then S4 / A4 =?

S4 = a1 + A2 + a3 + A4 = A1 (the third power of 1 + Q + Q square + Q) A4 = the third power of a1q: S4 / A4 = 15

(- 3 / 2-7 / 3 + 13 / 14) x (- 42) calculated by a simple method
