If the equation 2x + 1 / 3-2-2x / 6 = 1-2x + 1 / 4 has the same solution as the equation x + 2 (x-a) / 3 = A / 6-3x, the value of a is obtained

If the equation 2x + 1 / 3-2-2x / 6 = 1-2x + 1 / 4 has the same solution as the equation x + 2 (x-a) / 3 = A / 6-3x, the value of a is obtained

Take 12 on both sides
Double six on both sides
So 6 = 5A

Is it true that the solution of equation 3x-6 = 12 is 6?

The solution of 3x-6 = 12 is 6

The solution of equation 3x-6 = 12 is 6. Is it right or wrong?
I think it's right. Because the solution should be x = 6, not 6
Maybe I'll get more points!

You are right. Which school are you from? The teacher is wrong. I will fight for you

The solution of equation 3x-6 = 12 is 6______ (judge right or wrong)

3x-6 = 12 & nbsp; & nbsp; 3x-6 + 6 = 12 + 6 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3x = 18 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3x △ 3 = 18 △ 3 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 6, so the answer is: √

Six fifths of 12 is 8.5 more than 75% of a number. Find this number, the equation

Let this number be X
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Without changing the value of the fraction, the coefficients of the numerator and denominator of (1 / 2x-0.2y) / (0.5y-1 / 4x) are reduced to integers

(1/2 x-0.2y)/(0.5y-1/4x)

0.27 + 0.27 × 0.37 + 0.27 × 0.63 (simple calculation)

Hanying warm for you
simple form
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Can 3 / 9 (9 / 3) be added to the fraction set


When k is equal to?, the distance from the corresponding point on the number axis to the origin of the solution of equation 3x-2k is three units

Because the distance to the origin is three units, so
The corresponding point is (3,0) or (- 3,0)
When (3,0)
When (- 3,0)
I hope it can help you
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Mathematical problem formulation equation of grade five in primary school
The number a is one-half of the sum of the number B, the number C and the number d, the number B is one-third of the sum of the number a, the number C is one-quarter of the sum of the number a, the number B and the number d, and the known number d is 390----------

It's very simple,
Analysis: the number of a is one-half of the number of B, C and D. if the sum of B, C and D is one part, then the number of a is one-half, one and one-half in total. The number of a accounts for one-third of the total, that is, one-third of the total. By analyzing the other two conditions, it can be concluded that B accounts for one-quarter of the total, and C accounts for one-fifth of the total
So Ding accounts for 1-1 / 3-1 / 4-1 / 5 = 13 / 60
The total number is 390 / (13 / 60) = 1800
A: and (total) is 1800