The ratio of solution is 20:3: x = 400.2:4 = x: 1:2: 25: x = 1.2:75 Using the recursive equation to calculate, can be simple to calculate 25x3.2x125 1 / 25 x 99 + 1 / 25 5x (1 / 3-1 / 4) × 5 / 12 81x82 out of 83 2008x1.6-200.8x0.6 12.35 + 7 / 5 - (2.35-2 / 7)

The ratio of solution is 20:3: x = 400.2:4 = x: 1:2: 25: x = 1.2:75 Using the recursive equation to calculate, can be simple to calculate 25x3.2x125 1 / 25 x 99 + 1 / 25 5x (1 / 3-1 / 4) × 5 / 12 81x82 out of 83 2008x1.6-200.8x0.6 12.35 + 7 / 5 - (2.35-2 / 7)

Using the recursive equation to calculate, can be simple to calculate
1 / 25 x 99 + 1 / 25
5x (1 / 3-1 / 4) × 5 / 12
81x82 out of 83
=80 and 2 / 83
Is the title wrong?
12.35 + 7 / 5 - (2.35-2 / 7)
Is the title wrong?

How to solve x (16-x) = 120
I need it urgently!

Quadratic equation of one variable

In trapezoidal ABCD, ab | CD, M is the midpoint of AD, and BM is perpendicular to cm, indicating whether AB + CD = BC is true

AB + CD = BC is true,
Let's make a parallel line of M, where Mn intersects BC and n
Because in ladder ABCD, ab | CD, M is the midpoint of AD, so n is also the midpoint of BC,
Connecting MB and MC, we can see that the triangle BMC is a right triangle, BC is a hypotenuse, and Mn = 1 / 2BC
Because ab | CD, M is the midpoint of ad in ladder ABCD, so Mn = 1 / 2 (AB + CD)
AB + CD = BC is true,

Is it the 99 power of 9 or the 9 power of 9 and then the 9 power of 9? How much is it?

If you need to compare 9 ^ 9 ^ 9, then this number is large, because it is equal to the (9th power of 9) 387420489 power of 9, which is obviously greater than the 99 power of 9
What you described in the question is the ninth power of 9 and then the ninth power, that is, (9 ^ 9) ^ 9, which is equal to the 81st power of 9 and less than the 99th power of 9
The key to judge this kind of problem lies in the order of power series operation

(1) Li Hua takes a taxi from his home to his grandmother's home, and pays 17.6 yuan in total. How many kilometers is the distance between his home and grandmother's home?
(2) Mr. Wang went to the Education Bureau 6 kilometers away from the school and returned to the school immediately after the work. How much would he have to pay at least?
The charging standards of taxis in a city are as follows:
RMB 8.00 for 3km and below
More than 3 kilometers, one-way, 1.60 yuan per kilometer
More than 3 km, round trip, 1.20 yuan for every 1 km

(1) 17.6-8 = 9.6 (yuan) 9.6 divided by 1.6 = 6 (km) 6 + 3 = 9 km
(2) 6 × 2 minus 3 × 2 = 6 km, 6 × 1.2 = 7.2 yuan, 7.2 + 8 × 2 = 23.2 yuan

If the width of the rectangle is increased by 5cm and the length is decreased by 3cm, a square with an area increased by 27cm2 is obtained. Find the length and width of the square

Let a rectangle be x in length and Y in width
Then (y + 5) (x-3) = XY + 27
And y + 5 = x-3 (because the length and width of the obtained square are equal)
The solution is x = 9, y = 1
So the length and width of a square are 6 (9-3 = 1 + 5 = 6)

In the triangle ABC, if the side lengths of angle a, angle B and angle c are radical 3, radical 5 and radical 7 respectively, then the value of COS angle c is

In triangle ABC, the side lengths of angle a, angle B and angle c are root 3, root 5 and root 7 respectively
The results are as follows:
According to the cosine theorem:
=√15 /30
cosC=√15 /30

Who has the answers to the 24 questions in the second week?
A new operation is specified. For a composite number n, (n) represents the minimum prime factor of prime factor which is not n, such as (4) = 3, (12) = 5. What is the value of (60) + (84)?

Original formula = 7 + 5 = 12

Cut the largest circle from a square paper with a side length of 20 cm, and the area of the circle is (); if you cut the largest square from the circle again, it will be right
The area of a square is ()

Cut the largest circle from a square paper with a side length of 20 cm, and the area of the circle is (314 square cm); if you cut the largest square from the circle, the area of the square is (200 square cm). The first empty: draw the largest circle in the square, which means that the diameter of the circle is equal to the side length of the square, square

A-B = 2, then half (the square of a plus the square of B) - ab
A-B = 2, then what is half (the square of a plus the square of B) - AB =