24-3x = 3 equation

24-3x = 3 equation

x =21÷3
x =7

3x-x = 24 is solved by equation method


How to solve x-3x = 24


Given the function f (x) = x | x-4 | - 5, when the equation f (x) = a has three roots, find the value range of real number a

The image shows that:

What is the formula, definition and property of the center of a triangle

The so-called "four centers" of a triangle refer to four special points formed by the intersection of four important line segments of a triangle. They are the inner center, outer center, perpendicular center and center of gravity of a triangle
1. Center
The heights of the three sides of a triangle meet at a point called the perpendicular of the triangle
2. Center of gravity
The center lines of the three sides of a triangle meet at a point, which is called the center of gravity of the triangle
3. The intersection of the middle and vertical lines of the three sides of the triangle is at a point, which is called the center of the circumscribed circle of the triangle
4. The bisectors of the three inner angles of a triangle meet at a point, which is called the center of the inscribed circle of the triangle,
The intersection of the center lines on the three sides of the center of gravity
The intersection of three heights perpendicular to the center
The intersection of the bisectors of the three corners of the inner inscribed circle
The intersection of the vertical bisectors of the three sides of the center of a circumscribed circle
There is also a center called paracenter: the intersection of the bisector of the outer corner (there are three), or the center of the circumscribed circle (or the center of the circumscribed circle) has only the center of an equilateral triangle. At this time, the center of gravity, the inner center, the outer center, the perpendicular center, and the four centers are in one
The center of gravity is the intersection of the three sides of a triangle
The ratio of the distance from the center of gravity to the vertex and the distance from the center of gravity to the midpoint of the opposite side is 2:1
2. Equal volume
The area of the three triangles composed of the center of gravity and the three vertices of the triangle is equal
3. The sum of the squares of the distances from the center of gravity to the three vertices of the triangle is the smallest
Perpendicularity is the intersection of three heights, which can form many right triangles
The center of perpendicularity of an acute triangle must be inside the shape, the center of perpendicularity of an obtuse triangle must be outside the shape, and the center of perpendicularity of a right triangle is the vertex of a right angle
If you make three heights on a triangle, the three heights must be perpendicular to each other
The high line splits the triangle, and there are right angles and three pairs of integers,
There are twelve right triangles, forming six pairs of similar shapes,
There are four points in the chart, careful analysis can find out

My favourite sport star
Do me a favor
Liu Xiang's
Easy to understand words
It mainly describes the appearance
Just a few words

My favoury sport star is LiuXiang.He is 21 years old.He is tall and strong.He is a very handsome man and looks like a movie star.So his has many fans in China.
He is a track and field athlete.He has created a world record of 12.88 seconds in 2005.
In China,many people focus on his performance.I wish his will get a better result in the future.

Cut a 5 cm high cylinder into two parts along the bottom diameter, and increase the surface area by 20 cm. The bottom radius of the cylinder is (), and the volume is (). The formula is given

A 5 cm high cylinder is cut into two parts along the diameter of the bottom surface, and the surface area is increased by 20 cm. The radius of the bottom surface of the cylinder is (1 cm), and the volume is (15.7 CM & sup3;)
Bottom radius = 20 △ 2 △ 5 △ 2 = 1cm
Volume = 1 × 1 × 3.14 × 5 = 15.7 cm3

Fifth grade math problems (common factor and greatest common factor)
The greatest common factor of two adjacent even numbers is ()
If x and y are nonzero natural numbers, 10x = y, then the greatest common factor of X and Y is ()
If B is a nonzero natural number, a = B + 1, then the greatest common factor of a and B is ()
The greatest common factor of 36,24,32,18

The greatest common factor of two adjacent even numbers is (2)
X and y are non-zero natural numbers, 10x = y, then the greatest common factor of X and Y is (y)
B is a nonzero natural number, a = B + 1, then the greatest common factor of a and B is (1)

The lengths of a group of corresponding sides of two similar triangles are 28cm and 14cm respectively, and their perimeter difference is 60cm

60cm 120cm

The least common multiple of two numbers is 60 and the greatest common factor is 3. One of them is 12 and the other is ()

Another number = 3 × 5 = 15