The vertical formula is 0.58 × 6 3.8 × 2.5 2.24 △ 1.6 126 △ 4.5

The vertical formula is 0.58 × 6 3.8 × 2.5 2.24 △ 1.6 126 △ 4.5


Lim x-4, the denominator is X-2 under the root sign and then subtracts 2 under the root sign, the molecule is 2x + 1 under the root sign and then subtracts 3, so we don't need to find the derivative method because we haven't learned it

[√ (2x + 1) - 3] / [√ (X-2) - √ 2] (the numerator denominator is multiplied by their rationalization factor for rationalization operation)
Therefore, the limit of the original formula = LIM (x → 4) 2 [√ (X-2) + √ 2] / [√ (2x + 1) + 3] = 2 * 2 √ 2 / (3 + 3) = 2 √ 2 / 3

7.5x-7x=12.5 0.3+0.3x=0.39


A barrel of oil weighs 16.7 kg. After half of the oil is removed, the whole barrel weighs 8.8 kg. Do you know how much is a barrel of oil? How much is a barrel?

A barrel of oil weight (16.7-8.8) * 2 = 15.8kg, barrel weight 0.9kg

It is proved that y = Cos2 π / x, when x → 0, its left and right limits do not exist

It is proved that if x '(n) = 1 / N, X "(n) = 2 / (2n + 1 / 2), n ∈ Z +, LIM (n → inf.) cos [2 π / X' (n)] = 1, LIM (n → inf.) cos [2 π / X" (n)] = 0, LIM (x → 0 +) cos (2 π / x) does not exist

C + + comma expression
If a = 4, a = a * 5, a * 4, a = 4? A / 2: + + A, then the value of? A is?
Why are they all 10?

Your a * 4 doesn't assign a value to a, so the final value is a / 2 = 10

Sentences describing autumn scenery in Three Gorges

At the beginning of a clear day or a frosty day, there is often a high ape whistling in the forest. It is a kind of melancholy. The sound is heard in the empty valley, and the sorrow turns for a long time

Taylor formula for limit
LIM (x tends to positive infinity) has a detailed process,

(x ^ 3 + 3x ^ 2) ^ (1 / 3) - (x ^ 4-2x ^ 3) ^ (1 / 4) = x [(1 + 3 / x) ^ (1 / 3) - (1-2 / x) ^ (1 / 4)] 1 / X → 0 at 0, the Taylor formula has (1 + x) ^ (1 / M) = 1 + X / M + O (x) ∧ the original formula is x [(1 + 3 / 3x + O (1 / x)) - (1-2 / 4x + O (1 / x))] = 3 / 2 + XO (1 / x) ∧ the limit is 3 / 2

The number of boys in a class is 45% of the number of girls, so the number of girls accounts for 45% of the total number of the class______ .

Suppose the number of boys is 4, then the number of girls is 5; 4 + 5 = 9 (people) 5 / 9 = 59 A: then the number of girls accounts for 59

In 15, 27, 19, 25, 30, 29, 31, x, the median is 24, then x equals ()

First, sort the numbers except X
Plus x is eight, so the median is the average of the two numbers in the middle
No matter what value x takes, the fourth number should be greater than or equal to 25, and the median cannot be 24
Maybe there is something wrong with the title,