3 / 1 x-4 / 3 x = 5 / 26 It's urgent!

3 / 1 x-4 / 3 x = 5 / 26 It's urgent!

The following is the whole process:
Merge similar items: 5 / 3x = 5 / 26
The conversion coefficient is 1: x = (5 / 26) / (5 / 3)

Solve the equation 3x-7 = 1 / 3 x + 5

3x-7 = 1 / 3 x + 5

If 5x-10x = 15, then x =?


The distance between a and B is 40km, the speed of motorcycle is 45km / h, and that of truck is 35km / h
(1) If two vehicles start from two places at the same time and travel in the same direction, the motorcycle will catch up with the truck after a few hours? (only the equation is given, the starting point of the motorcycle is behind the starting point of the truck.)

Setting: after X hours, the motorcycle catches up with the truck
So, after 4 hours, the motorcycle caught up with the truck

How many squares does integer 1 ~ 2008 have

So there are 44

9+99+999+9999+99999=? How to calculate more easily? Please write down the main process


Two piles of sand, the first pile is 37 kg heavier than the second pile, and 4 kg heavier than the second pile. The first pile of sand weighs [] kg

(37-4) / (4-1) = 11kg
11 + 37 = 48kg
The second pile weighs 48 kg

Combine your life experience to give a specific explanation______ .

The answer is not unique. If the quality of an apple is a, then the quality of B apples is ab. so the answer is: if the quality of an apple is a, then the quality of B apples is ab

1000 + 1000 * 1.4 + the square of 1000 * 1.4 + the third power of 1000 * 1.4 +... + the nth power of 1000 * 1.4 = 800000
1000 + 1000 * 1.4 + the square of 1000 * 1.4 + the third power of 1000 * 1.4 +... + the nth power of 1000 * 1.4 = 800000. How much is n equal to?
sorry. What is n equal to? Is that 107.667?

4 ^ n = 321
N = the logarithm of 321 with the base of 1.4. N is about 17.15
1000 for 3000
4 ^ n = 323 / 3
N = the logarithm of 323 / 3 with the base of 1.4. N is about 13.91

The fruit shop sold 120 kg of fruit and then brought in 200 kg of fruit, which was 1 / 5 more than before. How many kg of fruit did the fruit shop have? How many kg of fruit do they have now?
