The solution equation is: 3x / 4x / 2x = 0.25

The solution equation is: 3x / 4x / 2x = 0.25

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The process of solving the equation is 3x + 2 = - 1 / 2 x + 9


3 / 4 X-1 / 8 x = 15 solutions

J solution "(3 / 4-1 / 8) x = 15

It takes 10 hours for a master to finish a batch of parts, and 15 hours for an apprentice to finish a batch of parts. The master processes 30 more parts per hour than the apprentice. How many parts are there?

A: there are 900 parts in this batch

Three elements of sinusoidal AC () a maximum instantaneous value period B maximum frequency initial phase C effective value angular frequency instantaneous value


Mathematical problem: a company is going to sign a car rental contract with a car rental company, which is calculated on the basis of the monthly journey of XKM, and the monthly rental fee charged by a car rental company
A company is going to sign a car rental contract with a car rental company. The monthly rental fee charged by a car rental company is Y1 yuan, and the monthly rental fee charged by a car rental company is Y2 yuan. If the functional relationship between Y1 and Y2 and X is shown in the figure, where the function value corresponding to x = 0 is monthly fixed rental fee, then the following judgment is wrong: a the monthly car journey is 2000km, The car rental fees of the two rental companies are the same. B is 2300km in the current month, and the car rental company B is more cost-effective. C excluding the monthly fixed rental fee, the fee per kilometer charged by the rental company a is more than that charged by the rental company B. d the average fee per kilometer charged by the rental company a is less than that charged by the rental company B

We should choose D. in the exclusion method, a and D are right. In C, it is said that excluding the monthly fixed rental fee, the rental company a charges more per kilometer than the rental company B. according to the image, this option is right. Only D is left, so choose D

Let the square matrix a satisfy the cubic power of a - 2A + 3E = 0, prove that a + e is invertible, and find the inverse matrix of (a + e)

(a + e) (a squared - A-E) = - 4e
-Divide by definition

A plural problem
If the complex Z satisfies | Z | = 1, find the maximum value of u = | z-3-4i |

|Z | = 1 on the coordinate graph, the trajectory is a circle with the origin as the center and radius of 1
Then the geometric meaning of | z-3-4i | is the distance from point to point (3,4) on the circle
Then the minimum value of | z-3-4i | is the distance radius from the center O to (3,4) = 5-1 = 4
|The maximum value of z-3-4i | is the distance from the center O to (3,4) + radius = 5 + 1 = 6

During the National Day holiday, Mr. Wang led the students to visit the hotel and contacted two travel agencies. The preferential terms of travel agency a are: students are charged 10% off, and teachers are not charged. The preferential terms of travel agency B are that teachers and students are all charged 20% off. If the two travel agencies are priced at 100 yuan, how many person hours, the two travel agencies charge the same amount?

The cost of the two travel agencies is the same for X people
90x_ 90=80x

x. Y approaches 0, LIM (XY / (x + y)) = LIM (1 / (1 / x + 1 / y)) = 0. What's wrong?
I know to make y = x, y = x ^ 2-x, but what's wrong with LIM (XY / (x + y)) = LIM (1 / (1 / x + 1 / y)) = 0?

If the denominator is zero, it can't be substituted directly
LIM (x, y → 0), 1 / X; 1 / y, we can't directly substitute 0 to get infinity