1 / 2, 2 / 3, 3 / 4, 4 / 5, 5 / 6. What's the number in 2007?

1 / 2, 2 / 3, 3 / 4, 4 / 5, 5 / 6. What's the number in 2007?

two thousand and seven-2008ths

One half, negative two-thirds, one fourth, negative four fifths, one sixth, negative six seventh. By analogy, what's the number of 2008

The denominator of the former is the same as that of the latter, and the latter is numerator + 1
The full sequence is a cross sequence, and the odd term is the reciprocal sequence of the sequence with 2 as the first term and 2 as the equal difference. Item 2007 = 1 / (2007 * 2) = 1 / 4014, so item 2008 = - 4014 / 4015

Simplification, evaluation: (A2-B2) / (a + b) + (a2-2ab + B2) / (a-b), where a = 12, B = - 2

The original formula = (a + b) (a-b) / (a + b) + (a-b) 2 ^ (a-b) = (a-b) + (a-b) = 2 (a-b). When a = 12, B = - 2, the original formula = 2 × [12 - (- 2)] = 1 + 4 = 5

Cut a cuboid 4 decimeters long, 3 decimeters wide and 5 decimeters high into the largest cylinder. How many cubic decimeters is the volume of this cylinder?


2 5 6 10 how to calculate 24 o'clock


Given the function f (x) = - 1 / 3x ^ 3 + BX ^ 2-3a ^ 2x, we obtain the extremum at x = a

If the extremum is obtained at x = a, then f '(a) = 0
So - A & sup2; + 2ab-3a & sup2; = 0
A = 0 or B = 2A

How to convert square meter into mu

1 mu = 60 square feet, 1 mu = 666.6 square meters
However, there is a more practical way to calculate it
1 square meter = 0.0015 mu, such as 128 square meters equal to how many mu? The calculation method is to first use 128 plus 128 half: 128 + 64 = 192, and then move the decimal point to the left by 3 digits, that is, the Mu is 0.192
If you want to calculate how many square meters 24.6 Mu is equal to, 24.6 △ 3 = 8.2, 8.2 is doubled to 16.4, and then move the decimal point to the right by 3 places, that is to say, the number of square meters is 16400

Front view and top view, left view of the same geometry


The parabola y = - 3x + BX + C is the value of B and C obtained by translating the parabola y = - 3x-bx + 1 upward by 3 units and then to the left by 2 units

Y = - 3x ^ 2-bx + 1 translate up 3 units to get y = - 3x ^ 2-bx + 4
If you translate 2 units to the left, you will get y = - 3 (x + 2) ^ 2-B (x + 2) + 4 = - 3 (x ^ 2 + 4x + 4) - bx-2b + 4 = - 3x ^ 2 - (12 + b) x-8-2b
By contrast, B = - (12 + b), C = - 8-2b
The solution is: B = - 6, C = 4

10 cubic air pressure 12 MPa is equal to what cubic air pressure 1.2 MPa

PV = NRT, P is the pressure, V is the volume, n is the amount of matter, R is the constant, t is the temperature, according to the meaning, 100 cubic meters of air pressure is 1.2