3 / 4 tons of peanut can extract 9 / 16 tons of oil. How many tons of oil can be extracted per ton of peanut? How many tons of peanut do you need to extract 1 ton of peanut oil?

3 / 4 tons of peanut can extract 9 / 16 tons of oil. How many tons of oil can be extracted per ton of peanut? How many tons of peanut do you need to extract 1 ton of peanut oil?

Hello: every ton of peanut oil can be 9 / 16 △ 3 / 4 = 3 / 4 tons, to squeeze 1 ton of peanut oil needs 3 / 4 △ 9 / 16 = 4 / 3 tons of peanut. If you don't understand this question, you can ask. If you are satisfied, please click "adopt as a satisfactory answer" in the lower right corner. If you have any other questions, please adopt this question and click my avatar to me

The proof: {n|n = 2K or 2K + 1, K belongs to Z} = {m|m = 3K or 3K + 1 or 3K-1, K belongs to Z}

2K is even and 2K + 1 is odd
It's all integers
So the first set is an integer set
3K is divisible by three
3K + 1 and 3K-1 are scattered divisor 1 and 2, respectively
Because the integer divided by 3, the remainder is only 0, 1 and 2
So they're all integers together
So the second set is the set of integers
So the two sets are equal

11 out of 17 times 19 minus 11 out of 17 minus 11 out of 17

11 out of 17 times 19 minus 11 out of 17 minus 11 out of 17
=11 out of 17 × (19-1-1)
=11 / 17 × 17

(1) If | a | + 5, B = - 2 and ab > 0, then a + B =? (2) - 0.5 + 3.75 + 3 has one fourth + (- 5 has one half)
(1) If | a | + 5, B = - 2, and ab > 0, then a + B =?
(2) - 0.5 + 3.75 + one fourth of three + (- one half of five)
(3) If | a | = 3, | B | = 7, calculate ab
... wrong. Indeed = 5

The first question is not wrong. It should be a = 5, isn't it
Two questions are equal to five fourths
The same sign is equal to 21, the different sign is equal to - 21

22 out of 7 divided by 5 out of 4 multiplied by 14 out of 33

=55 out of 14 = 55 out of 33
Learning progress, happy, hope to adopt

Decomposition factor ax & # 178; - ay & # 178; =?

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What is the quotient of 9 / 10 times 2 / 5 divided by 4 / 9?
There must be a formula! There must be a why!


With a 56 cm long wire, you can weld a 6 cm long and 5 cm wide rectangular teaching aid. What is the maximum height of the teaching aid?

56 △ 4 - (6 + 5) = 14-11 = 3 (CM) a: the height is 3 cm

The formula of n = D = arithmetic sequence
N is the number of items
D is the tolerance

I don't know which formula you want. The following are some formulas of arithmetic sequence. The general term formula of arithmetic sequence is: an = a1 + (n-1) d (1). The first n terms and formula are: SN = Na1 + n (n-1) d / 2 or Sn = n (A1 + an) / 2 (2). Above n are all positive integers

In the sequence {an}, is an = 9N ∧ 2-9n + 2 / 9N ∧ 2-1,99 / 100 the term of the sequence and why?

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