From 2:15 to 2:30, the angle of the minute hand of the clock is () A. 30°B. 45°C. 60°D. 90°

From 2:15 to 2:30, the angle of the minute hand of the clock is () A. 30°B. 45°C. 60°D. 90°

Solution 1: at 2:15, the minute hand is on the number 3, and the minute hand is horizontal. At 2:30, the minute hand is on the number 6, and the minute hand is vertical to the horizontal, so the angle of the minute hand is 90 degrees. Solution 2: because the scale on the clock divides a circle into 12 equal parts, and each part is 30 degrees. From 2:15 to 2:30, the minute hand turns three parts, and the rotation angle is 3 × 30 degrees = 90 degrees So D

From 2:11 to 2:18, the rotation angle of the minute hand of the clock is 42 degrees. How many minutes has the minute hand of the clock coincided with the hour hand for the first time from 4 o'clock?
right off
thank you

Set it to 4 points X minutes
About 22 minutes (21 minutes 49 seconds) coincide with the clock for the first time

How many degrees did the minute hand turn and how many degrees did the hour hand turn from 2:35 to 4:15?

A circle of the clock is 360 degrees with only 12 points. It takes two hours to turn from 2 to 4, and the degree of the hour hand is 360 △ 12x2 = 60 degrees

I am a landscape writer
Write by yourself! Write now! OK, add more! You can't copy in 50 minutes!
About 700 words!

Environmental sanitation workers, an ordinary and even some people's eyes low occupation, but they quietly stick to. In their hands to support themselves and their families at the same time to the city in exchange for clean, small city in their labor to wake up, to meet every beautiful, clean day! Their hard work every day is a beautiful scenery of the city

2. To send two yuan envoys to Anxi was written by poets of different generations. The word "envoys" in the title means that the poem describes the scenery of, and
This kind of expression is called

Sending yuan's two envoys to Anxi was written by Wang Wei of Tang Dynasty. In the title, "envoys" means to be appointed as envoys. The poem describes such scenery as "Weicheng", "Chaoyu", "keshe" and "liuse"
This kind of expression is called expressing emotion by borrowing scenery, blending emotion with scenery, and blending emotion with scenery

Let the real solution of the equation LNX + 2x-6 = 0 about X be x0, then the interval where x0 lies is ()
A. (52,3)B. (3,4)C. (2,52)D. (32,2)

Let f (x) = LNX + 2x-6, the function f (x) increases monotonically in the interval (0, + ∞), so the function f (x) has at most one zero point

Simple operation of 22 × 35 + 33 × 7

Another way

Answers to question 15 of P123 in the first volume of ninth grade mathematics published by people's Education Press


The original price of a computer is a yuan. The price after 20% reduction is. Yuan

It's 80% a

How to find the function with the same domain of definition and value as the function y = x2 + 1

First of all, we need to know the domain and value of this function
2 in your formula means square. It is a quadratic function. Obviously, the domain of definition is r, and the domain of value is a real number greater than or equal to 1
Then you can find a function whose domain is R and whose range is a real number greater than or equal to 1