How to solve the equation 41-x = 4 (14-x)

How to solve the equation 41-x = 4 (14-x)


4 times of X is 2.8 more than 3.2, find X


There are three people, a, B and C, who are paid 15W at the end of the year. In this year, a asks for 100 hours of leave, B asks for 80 hours of leave, C asks for 50 hours of leave, and the hourly wage is 15 yuan. How much do a, B and C get?

The hourly wage is 15 yuan, a total of 15 W, a total of 15 working hours=
150000 / 15 = 10000 hours
Each person should work 3333 and 1 / 3 hours
A took 100 hours off and worked 9700 / 3 hours
B worked 9760 / 3 hours
C worked 9850 / 3 hours
The ratio is 970:976:985, 970 + 976 + 985 = 2931
So Jiana 150000 * 970 / 2931 = 49641.76 yuan
Yina 150000 * 976 / 2931 = 49948.82 yuan
Bingna 150000-49641.76-49948.82 = 50409.42 yuan

Given a + B = 2, find the value of (a-b) &# 178; - 8 (A & # 178; + B & # 178;)


Common sense of Physics: why can 220 V AC electrify people while 220 V DC does not?

2009-04-01 first understand the concept of potential, because different potentials form potential difference and generate electromotive force, thus forming current. I don't know if the teacher has told you that alternating current means that the size and direction of current change with time. For household 220 V electricity, the potential of zero line is 0 V, and fire line generates + 310 V for zero line due to different time, -When the potential is 310V, + the current is in the same direction, but when - the current is in the opposite direction, so alternating direction current is formed, so it is called alternating current. No matter positive or negative, the fire line can form current to the ground, so our fire line can kill people. The potential of the zero line is 0V, just like the earth, so it can't form current, So it's safe. Why is the instantaneous value 310V called 220V? 220V refers to the effective value of AC, because the voltage of AC changes with time. In order to measure its size, a concept of effective value is introduced, which is defined as: in two identical resistors, AC and DC are respectively applied. If the same time passes, the voltage of AC will change, The effective value of sinusoidal alternating current is equal to 0.707 times of its maximum value

Summer homework for Grade 5 Volume 2 (Guangdong Education Press)
Dense (sparse) 2. Add different radicals to the following words to form words
Under the moon
Drizzle on Xiao
Rooting opposite ()
A study of Chaoyang vs
County () ()
Kang () ()
That's all. Less

1. The breeze sprouts before the flower and the sunset
2. Ore
Research and research
Roast meat
Generous and generous
I don't know

When the voltage at both ends of the motor is u, the current is I, and the resistance of the motor coil is r, the mechanical power output of the motor is, and the efficiency is
I can't do this kind of problem very well. Who will tell me

When the motor works, the output mechanical power is p = UI useless work = I ^ 2R efficiency: = (ui-i ^ 2R) / UI. The reason why you can't do it is that you don't have a thorough analysis of the application scope of Ohm's Law: Ohm's law u = IR is only suitable for the thermal effect circuit. However, the heat generated by the resistance R of the motor coil belongs to the thermal effect electricity

Simple calculation of 24 times 78 plus 12 times 44


Excuse me: can 4 square aluminum core wire use 8 kW electrical appliances?

No, four square aluminum wires can only allow a maximum current of about 20 A. if the voltage is single-phase 220 V, the maximum load is about 4.4 kW
If the voltage is three-phase 380 V, it can take three-phase balanced load about 10 kW or less (such as three-phase motor)

On the real number in the first day of junior high school
Simplification 1 - √ 2|=_________
The opposite number of √ 3 - √ 2 is_________
If the integral part of 4 - √ 2 is a and the fractional part is B, then a-b=________
In the statement of real number, the correct one is ()
A. There is no maximum real number, but there is a minimum real number
B. There is no minimum real number, but there is a maximum real number
C. There is no real number with the largest absolute value, but there is a real number with the smallest absolute value
D. There is no real number with minimum absolute value, but there is real number with maximum absolute value

Root 2 - 1
Radical 2-radical 3
Radical 2
I don't know if you have taught the number axis. Just understand it from the angle of the number axis. The specific meaning of the so-called number larger than another number on the number axis is that the number is on the right side of another number, while the specific meaning of the absolute value on the number axis is the distance from the origin o, there is no left or right difference, Because the rightmost and leftmost points can not be found on the number axis, there is no maximum real number and minimum real number, but the point closest to the origin can be found on the number axis, that is 0, but the point farthest away can not be found, so there is a point with the minimum absolute value, and there is no point with the maximum absolute value