There is an empty cuboid a container 40 cm long, 30 cm wide and 20 cm high, and a cuboid B container 24 cm deep, 30 cm long and 20 cm wide Pour some water from container B into container a so that the water in the two containers is of the same height. How many centimeters is the water depth?

There is an empty cuboid a container 40 cm long, 30 cm wide and 20 cm high, and a cuboid B container 24 cm deep, 30 cm long and 20 cm wide Pour some water from container B into container a so that the water in the two containers is of the same height. How many centimeters is the water depth?

Volume of water = 24 × 30 × 20 = 14400 CC
Water depth = 14400 ÷ (40 × 30 + 30 × 20) = 8 cm
Make the water in the two containers equal in height and 8 cm in depth

-0.85 × 8 / 17 + 18 × 2 / 7 - (18 × 7 / 3-9 / 17 × 0.85) please answer

-0.85*8/17+18*2/7-(18*7/3-9/17*0.85) = -36.807142857143

Observe the deformation process of the following formula,
From the equation 2a-3b = 3a-3b
Add 3b to both sides, and 2A = 3A
Divide both sides by a to get 2 = 3
Why is 2 = 3?
Which step goes wrong and why?

Divide both sides by a to get 2 = 3
There is something wrong with this step. You can't do this when a = 0

There are 400 science and technology books in the library, 38 less than story books. How many story books are there?

A: there are 640 story books

Calculate age: a + B = 33, B + C = 95, e + a = 72, a + D = 87, e + B = 73, find ABCDE age

Add the two formulas
In addition, e + B = 73 is substituted by e + B = 73

How long does it take for an average adult to walk 1000 meters

About 15 minutes

Chinese answers to the seventh grade exercise book of primary and secondary schools in Shaanxi Province
Come on, hurry

1. On the other side of the mountain 1. Think in a daze 2. Hope 3. Clamor 3. Call 2. Dream 2. Still 3. Lure 4. Faith 5. Soaking 6. Concealment 3. Slightly 4. What's on the other side of the mountain? Mom, what about the sea? 5. Mountain; refers to the difficulty, also refers to the way to realize the ideal; sea; their own pursuit of the ideal, also refers to a

The least common multiple of 14 and 15 20 and 4 15 and 18 12 and 16 8 and 20 40 and 16

210 20 60 48 40 160

1 / 2 to 1 / 3 = 1 / 4 to x, 5 / 12 = 2.5/x, 9 to 2.5 = 3.6 to x, 24 / x = 1.8 to 2.4, X to 2 / 3 = 1 / 8 to 1 / 9,

Simply multiply the numerator on the left side of the equal sign by the denominator on the right side of the equal sign to get X
Example (1 / 2) x = (1 / 3) * 1 / 4 = 1 / 12, x = 1 / 6
9x = 3.6 * 2.5 = 9, x = 1, and so on
The following advice you calculate, more calculation can be skilled

If a and B are rational numbers and (3 + 2 √ 3) a + (2 + √ 3) B + = 0, then a = () B = ()

On the left is a rational number
So is the right side
3 is irrational
Then only - (2a + b) = 0
Then 3A + 2B = 0
So a = 0, B = 0