40% of a number is 2 more than 9 / 5 divided by 3.6. Find the number

40% of a number is 2 more than 9 / 5 divided by 3.6. Find the number

Let this number be X

8 times of a number is 10.5 times more than 5 times of this number. What is this number? How to write it in equation?
Liberation process

Let this number be X
Then 8x-5x = 10.5

The sum of 44 and 22 is divided by their difference. What is the quotient?

8x-6x=10,2x=10 x=5 (44+22)÷(44-22)=3

20% of a is equal to 4 / 5 of B, B is 40, what is a? (use equation solution)

Let a be X
Solve the equation: x = 160

How many tons and kilograms is three and three fourths of a ton

Three and three fourths of a ton

If the length of a rectangle is extended by 5cm, the area will be increased by 60cm. If the width is shortened by 5cm, the area will be reduced by 100 m2. What is the area of the original rectangle
What's the formula

Brothers, what others say is to reduce the area by 100 square meters. In answer, you are the habits that you often don't check in exams. Let's suppose that the original length: X; width: y depends on the meaning of the question: (x + 5) * y = XY + 60 ------ (1) (Y-5) * x = xy-100 ------ (2) get from (1)

Given vector group A1 = (1,2, - 3), A2 = (3,0,1), A3 = (9,6, - 7) and vector group B1 = = (0,1, - 1), B2 = (a, 2,1), B3 = (B, 1,0), find a and B

Two vector groups are equivalent? Same rank?
The title is not complete. Let's ask

Compare 2x with the square of X
When x = (), the square of X is more than 2x
When x = (), the square of X

When x = (3), the square of X is more than 2x
When x = (1), the square of X

As shown in the figure, at a place 30 meters away from the flagpole, the elevation of D at the top of the flagpole is measured with an goniometer, and the depression of C at the bottom of the flagpole is measured as a, and Tana = 1 / 30
Find the length of CE, find the length of flagpole CD]

The elevation of D at the top of the flagpole is 30 ° measured by the goniometer at a 30 m of the flagpole, and the elevation of C at the bottom of the flagpole is a measured by the goniometer, and Tan a = 1 / 30. The height of 1 goniometer height AB2 flagpole CD is calculated

Science the stem of plant
Fill in the blanks:
The arrangement of epidermal cells can be found by observing the transverse section of the wood stem of three-year-old trees under the microscope____ , play a role___ The phloem is in shape____ It consists of phloem fibers and fibers____ There were only 2-3 layers of cells in the cambium____ Shape arrangement____ It can be carried out continuously____ The xylem is located in the center of the stem, and the larger cell is the stem_____ It has the function of transporting water and inorganic salts, and the smaller cells are_____

Tight protection ring sieve tube ring flat split tube
Wood fiber
It's too easy