Who knows the relationship between heat and temperature? The relationship between power and temperature? Is there a formula for conversion For example, I want to know how high the temperature of a circuit will be and whether some parts will get hot For example, if a 5k5w resistor works for 2 hours under the state of 12V and 500mA, what is its temperature and whether it can be calculated. If it can't be calculated, what conditions can be added to calculate it? I want accurate algorithm and numerical value.

Who knows the relationship between heat and temperature? The relationship between power and temperature? Is there a formula for conversion For example, I want to know how high the temperature of a circuit will be and whether some parts will get hot For example, if a 5k5w resistor works for 2 hours under the state of 12V and 500mA, what is its temperature and whether it can be calculated. If it can't be calculated, what conditions can be added to calculate it? I want accurate algorithm and numerical value.

For a crystal, even if it absorbs heat continuously during the melting process, the temperature remains unchanged. For another example, when a liquid is boiling, even if it absorbs heat continuously, the temperature remains unchanged. The above two temperatures are melting point and boiling point
For example, in the process of solidification of a crystal from a liquid to a solid, the temperature remains unchanged even though the heat is continuously released
As for power, you should be talking about electric power. For ordinary pure resistors (such as heating wires, heating rods and electric cups), the calorific value is equal to the electric energy consumed and the product of electric power and time, that is, q = w = Pt. The higher the electric power is, the faster it will heat up. For other complex electrical appliances with circuit boards, semiconductors, transistors and chips, the heating is generally small, Generally, the part with higher electric power should be heated. If the actual parts are hot, manufacturers will design cooling devices, such as CPU fan and graphics card fan

How to solve (x ^ 2 + 3x + 2) (x ^ 2-9x + 20) - 72

In addition, x ^ 2-3x = y, the original formula (x ^ 2 + 3x + 2) (x ^ 2-9x + 20) - 72 = (y + 6x + 2) (y-6x + 20) - 72 = y ^ 2 + 22y + (- 36x ^ 2 + 108x) - 32 = y ^ 2 + 22y-36y-32 = y ^ 2-14y-32 = (Y-16) (y + 2) = (x ^ 2-3x-16) (x ^ 2-3x + 2) = (x-1) (X-2) (x ^ 2-3x-16)

How many circles can you cut a square cardboard with a side length of 8 cm into a circle with a radius of 1 cm?

Maximum shear = (8 / 2) × (8 / 2) = 16

The transformation formula of time
5. The formula of S and t should have letters and words. What are the three formulas?

V = s / T (speed = distance / time)
S = VT (distance = speed * time)
T = s / V (time = distance / speed
Pay attention to lower case

It is proved that the equation A / 2x ^ 2 + BX + C = 0 has only one root between x 1 and x 2
Let X1 and X2 be a root of the real number system equations ax ^ 2 + BX + C = 0 and - ax ^ 2 + BX + C = 0 respectively, and X1 is not equal to X2, X1 is not equal to 0, X2 is not equal to 0,

X1 is a root of ax ^ 2 + BX + C = 0
So ax1 ^ 2 + BX1 + C = 0
So BX1 + C = - ax1 ^ 2
X2 is a root of - ax ^ 2 + BX + C = 0
So - AX2 ^ 2 + bx2 + C = 0
So bx2 + C = AX2 ^ 2
Let y = f (x) = A / 2x ^ 2 + BX + C
Then f (x1) * f (x2) = (A / 2x1 ^ 2 + BX1 + C) (A / 2x2 ^ 2 + b2x + C)
Because X1 is not equal to 0, X2 is not equal to 0, so a is not equal to 0
So a ^ 2x1 ^ 2x2 ^ 2 > 0
So f (x1) * f (x2) = - (3 / 4) * a ^ 2x1 ^ 2x2 ^ 2

If the side area of a cone is equal to 2 times of its bottom area, then the degree of the central angle of the fan-shaped circle corresponding to the side expanded view of the cone is______ .

Let R be the generatrix length, n be the degree of the center angle of the fan-shaped circle corresponding to the expanded side view of the cone, R be the radius of the bottom, R be the perimeter of the bottom, R be the area of the bottom, R be the area of the bottom, R be the area of the side, R be the area of the side, R be the area of the side, R be the area of the side, R be the angle of the center of the fan-shaped circle, R be the radius of the bottom, R be the perimeter of the bottom, R be the area of the bottom, R be the area of the side, R be the area of the side, R be the side, R be the angle of the side

In the equilateral triangle ABC, the points D and E are the points on the extension line of AB and BC respectively, and BD = CE, the line CD and AE intersect at the point F. proof: ad square = dcxdf

Equilateral triangle ABC
Because BD = CE
So ad = be, and ∠ B = a = 60 ° and AC = ab
So triangle ACD ≌ triangle BAE
Then, BAE = ACD
Similarly, triangle BCD ≌ triangle CAE can be proved
Then, BCD = CAE
And ∠ ACD + ∠ CAE = ∠ DFA
Therefore, DFA = DAC
In addition, DAF = DCA and ADF = CDA
So triangle ADF ∽ triangle CDA
With AD / CD = DF / da
That is ad ^ 2 = DC * DF

Given x > - 2, if M = (x2 + 3x + 6) / (x + 2), find the minimum value of M. that X2 is the square of X. use the basic inequality to solve the problem

M = (x2 + 3x + 6) / (x + 2) = [(x ^ 2 + 4x + 4) - (x + 2) + 4] / (x + 2) = [(x + 2) ^ 2 - (x + 2) + 4] / (x + 2) = (x + 2) + 4 / (x + 2) - 1 > = 2 √ [(x + 2) * 4 / (x + 2)] - 1 = 3 if and only if (x + 2) = 4 / (x + 2), that is, x = 0

Known square area is 12 square centimeters, find the area of the largest circle in the square

"Hao6720413": Hello
The square area is 12 square centimeters, and its side length is √ 12 square centimeters = 3.464 centimeters
The diameter of the largest circle in the square is 3.464 cm and the radius is 1.732 cm
The area of this circle is 1.732 & sup2; × 3.1416 = 2.999 × 3.1416 = 9.424 (square centimeter)
Is that right? Good luck. Goodbye

A = bx2 / 3 = C + 1 / 5 = D-1 / 12, ABCD arrangement size

From large to small: D is greater than a, a is greater than B, B is greater than C,