In class 6 (1), boys account for 5 / 9 of the class and girls account for 1 / 2 of the class Is it right or wrong?

In class 6 (1), boys account for 5 / 9 of the class and girls account for 1 / 2 of the class Is it right or wrong?

It's wrong
It should be 9 / 4
Hello, I despise the people upstairs. The questioner is obviously a primary school student, but he knows how to ask questions on the Internet. It's a good thing

Mathematics problem: the number of male students in class 6 (1) is one ninth more than that of female students. What is the proportion of female students in the total number of students in the class?


The number of boys in class 6 (1) is 5 / 9 of the total number of the class. There are 5 fewer girls than boys. How many boys and girls are there?

If x is set for girls, x + 5 is set for boys
So there are 20 girls and 25 boys
[note]: / = /

Why is log logarithm formula (LG50) / 2 equal to LG √ 50 and how to calculate it?

Because dividing by 2 is equal to multiplying by half, which can be used as the index of 50, so it is 50 under the root sign

What's the matter? How do you see south latitude, north latitude, west longitude and east longitude?

It can be distinguished from three aspects: 1. From the definition, the dividing line of North-South latitude is the equator, that is, the 0 ° latitude, north latitude and south latitude. The dividing line of East-West longitude is the 0 ° longitude and 180 ° longitude (the two are the same longitude coil). East longitude from the east of 0 ° longitude to 180 ° is east longitude, and west longitude from the west of 0 ° to 180 ° is west longitude; 2

Use the equation: given that the sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 75, find the three numbers
You must use the equation!

Let X be the middle digit, then the first digit is X-2 and the last digit is x + 2

The equation 4 ^ X-2 ^ (x + 2) + 4m = 0 has only one real root

That is, 4 ^ x-4 * 2 ^ x + 4m = 0,
Let 2 ^ x = t, then t > 0
The equation can be reduced to: T ^ 2-4t + 4m = 0
The equation 4 ^ X-2 ^ (x + 2) + 4m = 0 has only one real root
It is equivalent to the equation T ^ 2-4t + 4m = 0 having two equal positive roots or one positive root and one non positive root
So the discriminant △ = 0 and 4m > 0;
Or the product of two ≤ 0,
That is, 16-16m = 0, and M > 0;
Or 4m ≤ 0
So m = 1 or m ≤ 0

Conversion of mathematical units
30 hours = () days 1 and three tenths of an hour = () hours () minutes 6.4 tons = () tons () kg 7 and three fourths of a cubic meter = () cubic meter () cubic decimeter
A matchbox takes up about 15 ()
An airport has built a new road, 2600 meters long and 8 meters wide. The runway covers an area of () hectares
10 points can be connected into () line segments at most.
Find the rules: ① one twelfth, one sixth, one fourth, one third, five twelfth, (), ()
② Three out of eighty-nine, one out of fourteen, twelve out of seventy-nine, twelve out of thirty-seven, sixteen out of twenty-three, one and one-half, ()
There is a sink of water on the experimental table in the laboratory, as well as five liter and three liter glasses without scale. Can you measure four liters out of these two glasses? Please write down the process of measuring water in a list.
I'm not good at these questions

30 hours = (1.25) days
1 and three tenths of an hour = (1) hours (18) minutes
6.4 tons = (6) tons (400) kg
7 and 3 / 4 cubic meters = (7) cubic meters (750) cubic decimeters
A matchbox takes up about 15 cubic centimeters of space

Fill in the blanks: we know that the square of 1 = 1, the square of 11 = 12, the square of 111 = 12, 321,... According to the above rule, in the calculation result of the square of 111, 111, 111, the 15th number from left to right is ()

Fill in the blanks: it is known that the square of 1 = 1, the square of 11 = 12, the square of 111 = 12, 321,... According to the above rule, the 15th digit from left to right is (3)

If the minimum value of quadratic function y = - 1 / 2x2 + 13 / 2x (a ≤ x ≤ b) is 2a and the maximum value is 2B, the value of a and B can be obtained

It can be seen from the image that the symmetry axis is y-axis, and the maximum value is 13 / 2
When a